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What I did today 2012-2014


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  • Picked courgettes, cucumbers and sweet peas for Mrs Loudbarker


    • Yesterday I picked strawberries and blackcurrants. Today I froze blackcurrants to use in Summer pud at a later date and made jam, a dozen jars of strawberry and 3 of blackcurrant.


      • Watered and fed where needed, chopped down blighted potato haulms, planted some leeks in the centenary garden , despaired at the weeds .........
        S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
        a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

        You can't beat a bit of garden porn


        • Spotted first french beans of the year in late July


          • 72 bras arrived from the special offer in the newspaper I told you about. They are puny plugs and starting to turn a bit yellow (they came from Dobies), so I've planted them in some big tubs to try and grow them on a bit and in a bid to get them strong enough to survive the inevitable snug attack. Talking of which, my pak choi has disappeared.
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • Originally posted by Loudbarker1 View Post
              Spotted first french beans of the year in late July
              Mine are only just flowering ...........
              Weeded round the pond , picked asome scabby leaves off the peach tree, weeded the rhubarb patch and started to mulch, ran out of mulchy stuff ......
              At home, potted on some lemon basil and hid it in the conservatory away from the snugs, potted up some baby sisyrinchiums I found in the garden ........
              S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
              a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

              You can't beat a bit of garden porn


              • You're doing well. My puny plants are doing their best to recover from the slug attacks earlier in the year. I have spotted one or two flowers so I may eventually get a bean or two.


                • Today we are cleaning out my greenhouse as all the flowers that I have grown have been planted up. So everything is out on the lawn and patio and we have set to work. Its going to be a hot one today!


                  • Popped up the lottie to do some harvesting in the centenary garden and have breakfast (a full english baguette yummmmmmieee)
                    Work stopped play ........
                    S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                    a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                    You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                    • Transferred raised bed number three, and looked ruefully at the plot. Got ticked off for making beds so big and therein full of weeds and unmanageable.

                      Unpacked raised bed number four, found a lack of 16 screws. Asked pops if he had any.

                      Went to and found suitable weed killer. Came back to find that pops had made the raised bed.

                      Thought about when to euthanise weeds but couldn't see a dry window as rain is forecast
                      Horticultural Hobbit




                      • Busy weekend spoilt by heavens opening on Sunday afternoon.

                        Seived a big bin full of rotted compost and stored in dustbins ready for spring. I should get another bin full of well rotted by next spring.

                        Picked courgettes, dug up bolted lettuce and last bolted cauliflower. Picked cucumbers (5 huge ones all at once). Did a little bit of weeding but not enough.

                        Watered all, including turning hose on the pumpkins and potato in bags. Picked off excess female pumkin flowers leaving jsut 5 on the plant. I doubt I will get decent pumpkins though: there's just not enough sun. Picked blackcurrents and last of gooseberries at mother's.

                        Sowed more perpetual spinage, and then some chervil, parsley and corriander. Plan grand schemes of 200 lettuce to overwinter in mothers' cold house.

                        For supper ate first french beans, courgettes, and steamed beetroot - (bolthardy - OK but a slightly bitter aftertaste) carrots and steamed cauliflower shoots (ok but strong) on the waste not want not principle. PSB is better. Also blackcurrent and blueberry crumble. Resolve instantly to double number of blackcurrent bushes.

                        Mrs Loudbarker has clipped hedges - clear up after her. Mow lawn. Take advantage of children being away for a week to treat paths and terrace with glycophosphate.


                        • Took the final raised bed down to the plot. Dismantled the bean wigwam up which nothing grew. Reflected how I need to apply en masse weedkiller.
                          Horticultural Hobbit




                          • Watched SIL cut the grass. Potted up an armpit tom that is now huge. Trouble is, I labelled it "armpit" but I don't know what variety it is. Good job I like surprises. Froze onions and courgettes. Fed chillies and tomatoes in the stayput.
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • Nowt in the garden, but made lots of jars of lime and lemon preserve and re-boiled up the parsley honey which has finally set lovely and tastes not disimilar to the honey made by bees. Yum!
                              Spelling errors are my area of expertise. Apologies if my jumbled up mind/words cause offence.


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