I hired the digger to drain the garden. It sunk in the wet clay and ripped up the entire garden, the drains keep collapsing as soon as they're dug because it's so wet so it's impossible to judge what's going on. It's been an absolute disaster and that's after only two hours work.
Hopefully tomorrow is better, I'll be able to take a different approach with the other drains. I won't be able to go tight into the corner to tidy it up yet, The digger would be stuck there for a month and at €165 a day I can't afford for that to happen.
Hopefully tomorrow is better, I'll be able to take a different approach with the other drains. I won't be able to go tight into the corner to tidy it up yet, The digger would be stuck there for a month and at €165 a day I can't afford for that to happen.