Sowed the spirng sowing of brioad beans yesterday in situ. Ground has had an inch layer iof compost since autumn and then under black weed surpressing membrane (not sure hsi had really worked) but there were wornmm casts everywhere and it looked relly healthy. Just dibbed 3 inch holes, bunged them in, covered over and rolled back the membrane to be removed once tehy are gerninated.
Also cut back recently potted blackcurrents planting 6 lots of trimmings in smaller pots - if all goes well I wll end up with about 15 blackcurrent plants.
Otherwise too much rain and too many children's parties.
Also cut back recently potted blackcurrents planting 6 lots of trimmings in smaller pots - if all goes well I wll end up with about 15 blackcurrent plants.
Otherwise too much rain and too many children's parties.