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What I did today 2012-2014


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  • Sowed some leek, spring onion, kale, broccoli (3 types), swiss chard outdoors. Now about so sow some peas and beans into trays to put outside...planted 2 different onion sets on the allotment, plus caught a few escaped hens from a few plots down!! Also built about 1/3rd of fencing down the unfenced side of my plot (about 40m long)

    Indoors I sowed some cornflowers, petunias, marigolds, lavender, garlic onions and a few other bits. I played tetris on the windowsills again, and have won today I think, by extending the levels of the game to the upstairs windows All this means though is the tray of seeds in the fridge with the sticker on them 'to do indoors ASAP' can now be done and those spaces will be duly filled by tomorrow evening


    • Weeded and repaired another raised bed ready for the broad beans and sowed some beetroot (chioggia pink).

      Went into town to get some more capillary matting and decided I needed one of those little seed sowing thingies. Will try it out tomorrow with the carrots. Last year my sowing technique was so rubbish and the germination rate so good that an awful lot of dolls' house carrots went in the compost.


      • Had a busy day. 3 trips in the car to pick up some small paving slabs off freecycle. Then I tightened up the polytunnel- still can't close the door. I put some paving slabs down in the polytunnel. I put some shelves and a cupboard in the tunnel. I moved 3 sacks of compost into the tunnel. Then a quick fork of the ground in the polytunnel.

        Earthed up about 15 ocas in small temporary plant pots. Knocked over the tray. Repotted them- hope they're okay. Sowed various seeds including onions, oregano, scornenzona, garlic chives, dahlias, peas, and celeriac. Some went into toilet rolls and others pots or into the ground. Also put some lettuce that had overwintered in the coldframe into the ground- see if it perks up.

        Moved a few more paving slabs and other bits around. Planted kale, radish and onions direct into bed. Also sowed some turnips along the side- to try and keep the couch grass out. Got some more roots out of earth I've stacked up.

        Had 3 little girls who came over periodically to "help" me. This mostly involved them putting stuff in the pond- be it water or dandelion flowers. I was suitably impressed by the playhouse they showed me and the pile of horse dung. Had to carry one back to her father- as she soaked herself with water and her sisters couldn't get her to go on her own.

        Still a long way to go on the new plot- but its starting to take shape! making a house a home and a garden home grown.


        • Watched husband dig over veg patches and in return helped him to vac out the pond with his new toy (pond vacuum). Got absolutely drowned, remind me not to offer next time.

          Checked over greenhouse propagators that are already full. I am concerned there won't be room for all the seeds I want to sow and the resultant seedlings. Bemoaned the weather in true British style. Set out broad bean plants into coldframe to harden off. Put off planting potatoes until next weekend as the soil isn't quite warm enough.


          • Thinned out the pak choi in the lottie gh border, weeded the bog garden, tidied area between gh and next door plot, used the bits of wood and sticks to make a wildlife pile by the pond, cleared and tidied between fruit cage and compost bins then planted a row of raspberry canes that my neighbour was removing.
            helped oh fix boards along the bottom of rabbit fence (to stop him from strimming it)
            S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
            a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

            You can't beat a bit of garden porn


            • Cleared some brambles yesterday. Today's plan ... clear some brambles.

              All this for a Japanese Wineberry! It better be worth it


              • Tidied up (covered a bed with some topsoil from another area), planted 12 tomato seedlings, and potted-on the ones I do not know where to put yet...

                Planted two more courgettes, now totalling four. Last year they grew to a metre in size (WDH), so not planting more this year :P


                • Yee haaaa! Got a few hours on the allotment today after 4 12hr shifts. Potted on peppers & tomatoes and a general scout around to see what needs doing! Great therapy!


                  • Found some lettuce seedlings have emerged!
                    March is the new winter.


                    • More weeding and clearing. First aid applied to granddaughter - good job I didn't go to the allotment earlier.


                      • Rearranged and expanded the capillary matting watering set-up. All sorted now so everything should be okay while we're away.

                        Potted on some brussels sprouts and calabrese. Sowed some celeriac.

                        Tidied the shed. A bit.


                        • I potted on white PSB or should that be WSB? I planted up an old stone sink with alpines. Keep shuffling stuff about on benches. Filled one raised bed that Mr VVG built at the weekend. I'm busting for the other one, but haven't uttered a word because he's snowed under with work.
                          Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

                          Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


                          • Potted on some chillies and tomatoes
                            Covered with a cloche some lettuce that made it thru the winter and is starting to grow again now.
                            Decided that as I have so many seedlings, there will be a sacrificial few moved to the greenhouse during the day... Not decided what to do with them at night yet... If I lose them, so be it
                            Last edited by Tripmeup; 09-04-2013, 08:35 PM.
                            I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                            ...utterly nutterly


                            • I lied earlier. I completely ignored the brambles and instead finished the new asparagus bed ready to buy some asparagus plants and added lots of mpc to the flower bed after I realised it had shrunk down 2-3inches last year!

                              Oh! And I built 1/3rd of my compost bin before it started to rain (taken me a year and a half to start building it)
                              Last edited by sammy_roser; 09-04-2013, 09:12 PM. Reason: I forgot something :D


                              • Finally got some planting done outside with things starting to warm up!

                                Planted outside; Carrots (1 row for now), Parsnip (again just the 1 row for now), Half a row of sweet turnis and also put first early chitted potatoes in!

                                Also split up my brussel seedlings into bigger pots


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