Have any Grapes grown this variety?
Is it particularly tricky to germinate?
I've never grown Aubergines before, but the "Listada di Gandia" which I planted at the same time, in the same propagator, at the same temperature (22C) have all germinated and are romping away!
Is it too late late to try again?
(I really like the idea of miniature orange Aubergines, funny coloured Veg rule!)
Is it particularly tricky to germinate?
I've never grown Aubergines before, but the "Listada di Gandia" which I planted at the same time, in the same propagator, at the same temperature (22C) have all germinated and are romping away!
Is it too late late to try again?
(I really like the idea of miniature orange Aubergines, funny coloured Veg rule!)