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Question re Beans...


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  • #16
    Originally posted by JennieAtkinson View Post
    Ooooh I'm always nibbling away at beans while I'm working. What does lectin do to you ?
    What is "u-n-w-e-l-l! ???

    I thought "unwell" sounded less serious!!


    • #17
      Originally posted by ysb33r View Post
      Onset is usually marked by extreme nausea, followed by vomiting, which may be very severe. Diarrhea develops somewhat later (from one to a few hours), and some persons report abdominal pain. Some persons have been hospitalized, but recovery is usually rapid (3 - 4 h after onset of symptoms) and spontaneous. ([url]
      Good for a day off work then
      Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
      ~ Mary Kay Ash


      • #18
        I grew kidney beans last year. CANADIAN WONDER dwarf french beans. They're a flat podded green (french) bean which you can eat as green beans, but if you leave the beans on the plant until the beans can be seen in the pod and the pod loses it's green colour & goes a yellowish. That's the time to pick them. The beans look a bit pale when 1st shelled but leave in the air for 24 hours and they darken up. If you leave the pods till 'dry' they come out redder, but then you lessen the crop. I didn't dry mine, I just chucked them in the freezer. I have a bag full in there, & when I fancy some I just put into boiling water till tender. Yummy! and they taste just like the tinned ones only drier coz they're not covered in salty slimy water. I got the seeds from suffolk herbs so they were organic too.


        • #19
          I've just harvested some of Stig's Canadian Wonder beans - thank you! What a great variety, prolific. Its short, so survives my windswept plot. It did better than Sungold, Masterpiece and Purple Queen.
          I'm looking forward to harvesting my Cherokee, Yin Yang, Tiger, Ruth Bible, Black Croatian and Barlotta next.
          Have ordered yet more heritage varieties for next year, from

          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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