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Does anyone grow cucumbers outdoors?


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  • #16
    Welcome to the Vine.

    I grew T & M Masterpiece outside last year, and they were really productive. Had three plants, and was picking most days.
    Real Men Sow - a cheery allotment blog.


    • #17
      I successfully grew cucumbers outside 2 years ago "marketmore" variety against a sunny wall on good loam. Failed last year in a half shady spot on sandy soil though. I think sun and wind shelter are the keys to cukes outside. This year I have sown 30 cuke seeds in a row in my sunniest bed, which are coming on nicely with a hoop tunnel cloche for protection. The seeds were 27c from Lidl! I figure on getting a cuke every few days once they mature.


      • #18
        I'm trying again this year with cucumber (Marketmore) and it has to be outside because the little stayput is full of chillies and aubergines.
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • #19
          I can't seem to grow the things inside, never mind out!!! Fine in the first pots from seeds,put them in a grow bag,and it's certain death. Got two left to try with. Any ideas!!!


          • #20
            I know they don't like being too wet I know because I killed one last year by over watering it.
            Location....East Midlands.


            • #21
              Fizaye, sounds about right, the suicide rate with cumbers is extremely high or I am a mass murderer.

              I personally don't like growing my cumbers in grow bags, much prefering pots. If your grow bags have wet compost open the bag to get some air to it and allow it to dry out a little before planting. I would then fill a pot (Morrisons bucket) would do and plant in there. I then keep the compost on the dry side until I have fruit on the plant, then and only then do I use what some folks would think of as a normal watering routine.

              Don't forget if you start to loose a cumber you can cut off the growing tip place that in water to form roots and use the resulting plant it maybe a little late but you will get some cumbers.

              Hope this helps Colin.
              Potty by name Potty by nature.

              By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

              We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

              Aesop 620BC-560BC



              • #22
                I have grown cucumbers outside for the past three year, Marketmore I think they are called. They have been a great success and I had a glut last year and made some pickle with a recipe I found on this website and that was very nice as well. So go ahead and give it a go.
                Slowly takes it!


                • #23
                  Thanks Colin.

                  Think your right, have put a couple in pots and will now keep the water under control!! Just wish the sky would lay off a bit too!!!

                  I am a virgin gardener and hadn,t realised there was more to it than "green end up", but the bug is catching and I really love it. Raising livestock is much easier, glad I had more success with my Christmas Turkeys


                  • #24
                    My seedlings are through so will be going outside when the weather picks up again. cold and windy here!


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