I'm sure a lot of you will have seen this last night but like her or love her I thought Sarah Ravens points about the plight of bees was a very important one. She mentioned that although we know stuff about the bad winters and Varroa virus affecting the bees the bees are actually starving (in part)
due to out facination with double flower blooms.
Chelsea Flower Show 2011: Plant with bees in mind - Telegraph
I have looked for the list mentioned last night and the logo but I couldn't find either so I have included the link for you all to read.
I bit which struck home for me was when she said that we wont get farmers to change their practices overnight but us, the gardener, could. With the addition of a few nectar rich plants we not only help our own plots but help the little beasties which pollinate all our fruit and veg! Seems a fair swap to me!
I can't see how many members we have at the moment but if we were all to jump on board with this, it would be a hell of a start.
I'll get off my box now
Happy planting!
I'm sure a lot of you will have seen this last night but like her or love her I thought Sarah Ravens points about the plight of bees was a very important one. She mentioned that although we know stuff about the bad winters and Varroa virus affecting the bees the bees are actually starving (in part)

Chelsea Flower Show 2011: Plant with bees in mind - Telegraph
I have looked for the list mentioned last night and the logo but I couldn't find either so I have included the link for you all to read.
I bit which struck home for me was when she said that we wont get farmers to change their practices overnight but us, the gardener, could. With the addition of a few nectar rich plants we not only help our own plots but help the little beasties which pollinate all our fruit and veg! Seems a fair swap to me!
I can't see how many members we have at the moment but if we were all to jump on board with this, it would be a hell of a start.
I'll get off my box now
Happy planting!