Hi all, I planted some squash seeds in pots about a week ago and have had them outdoors, but no sign of movement yet - is this normal, or do you think it was too cold for them? I have planted direct at this time of year before...should I move them indoors until they get going, or is it too late? Is it too late to sow more seeds??
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Squash haven't germinated - what now?
Hi, as you suggested, it might be too cold for them, the temperatures have dropped here over the last 10 days. I also start mine off indoors in 3" pots, and then transplant on.
I still think you have plenty of time yet to get some on the go
I always start mine off in 3" pots inside too and only move them outside to the cold greenhouse when I pot them on into 5" pots (they're there at the moment). I'll be starting to harden them off in the next few days for planting out mid June. Works for me but if the weather was warmer I'd probably push it a bit earlier. I find that if I don't start them inside then they don't really do anything although I do start them earlier than now (about mid / late April normally).
Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.
Which one are you and is it how you want to be?
I agree a bit longer than 7 days outside - i usually start them off indoors in the heater prop so they are up within that time. They take longer than you think. eg I had given up on my outdoor sown dwarf beans after 14 & 20 days (2 sowings) then suddenly this week here they all are
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