So sorry if this is a repeat I tried a search but gave up after 30min waiting.
Never grown them before, finally plucked up courage to dig a container out and some as big as a Jacket some as small as a marble, look great, taste superb but only pots in the bottom third of the container!
are in various containers
have had nitrogen feed added to the compost
earthed up regularly
have been watered all through the dry spells
had good top growth
But.......... high winds did break a lot of top growth several weeks ago could this be the cause. Crop has cost more in compost than buying the equivalent yield!!
Never grown them before, finally plucked up courage to dig a container out and some as big as a Jacket some as small as a marble, look great, taste superb but only pots in the bottom third of the container!
are in various containers
have had nitrogen feed added to the compost
earthed up regularly
have been watered all through the dry spells
had good top growth
But.......... high winds did break a lot of top growth several weeks ago could this be the cause. Crop has cost more in compost than buying the equivalent yield!!
