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Spinach in an onion patch?


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  • Spinach in an onion patch?

    I planted a patch of onion sets and carrots (one row of onions and then a row of carrots) The patch had really bad weed and I ended up pulling out a lot of carrots with it too. So now I�m left with mostly a patch with onion row with a gap of 8 or so inches between rows.

    Do you lot see an issue with planting some spinach and spring onions in that gap? I have the two germinating in seed trays for planting in the garden.

  • #2
    Sping onions sounds a good idea. I think the space bewteen the rows of onions is too close for spinage to go between - unless you harvest it really young.

    I don't think it's too late for another sowing of carrots, especially the quick varieties like Early Nantes. Was your plan to confuse carrot and onion fly? I do this with carrots and leeks and it seems to work for the carrots .
    Last edited by Loudbarker1; 10-06-2011, 09:16 AM. Reason: typos


    • #3
      I;d go with resowing carrots as spinach will swamp the onions. May be a few problems with getting carrots to germinate in this dry weather but worth a go.



      • #4
        Yeah the carrots and onions were planted together to avoid carrot and onion flies. I have already planted some carrots in deep container now. I’m watering the container manual so hope fully they will germinate.

        Yeah that makes sense Loudbarker1. Guess I need to dig another patch for the spinach.


        • #5
          Corrots should be fine, they seems to be fairly resiliant and will hopefully germinate quickly given enough water ( the only problem i've ever had with carrots is trying them too early when the soil is too wet or cold).

          I'd have gone for spring onions over spinach anyway as they're reliable and don't dominate space like spinach might do


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