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  • #16
    Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post
    Suspect that chances of being caught - practically zero!
    I was stopped and asked directions to a good picking place the other day!.
    Whatdoes that say about me!!!!


    • #17
      Oh dear - I didn't intend for my 'throw away' comment about the 'magic' aspect of mushroom growth to give rise to so many amusing comments - must try that more often!

      Yesterday - she says triumphantly - I took 4 oysters ranging in size from 3½ inches across the trumpet/fan down to 1½ inches. Sliced each into 4 'long' slices and lightly sautéd in butter. My son felt obliged to spit out the SMALL piece he tried - but he's not a huge fan of mushies. Whilst I enjoyed the 'fan' area of each, I found the stem to be rather chewy. Flavour bland/delicate but not unpleasant. I would definitely buy again but only use top growth unless anyone else has better ideas? I also sampled one slice uncooked and would say I enjoyed it perhaps with mayo or in a salad next time?

      Would flavour be intensified by dehydrating - and any ideas as to how small the slice/dice should be to get best results?

      Oh and where, exactly, is Merlin's mushroom patch in close vicinity to Saltdean?!


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