It seems a bit early, but about half our onions, both red and white, have fallen over. Their tops are still green, no brown tips to the foliage.
Should we harvest the lot, now (tomorrow, if it doesn't rain), should we wait until they've all fallen over, or should we do as we've done in previous years and wait for the foliage to start turning brown before lifting them?
When we get them out of the ground is it better to lift/dig them with a fork or to pull them? (Always used a fork in the past, to gently lift the plants onto the surface, but have seen videos of them being pulled up, using the foliage.)
Our shallots (which we've haven't grown for years, because we haven't had room) are starting to go brown at the tips. The bulbs are pushing each other apart but there's no sign of the foliage toppling. Should we wait for the tops to fall over, or should we start lifting them now?
Oh, and probably an even dumber question, but does onion fly attack onions once they're out of the ground?
Should we harvest the lot, now (tomorrow, if it doesn't rain), should we wait until they've all fallen over, or should we do as we've done in previous years and wait for the foliage to start turning brown before lifting them?
When we get them out of the ground is it better to lift/dig them with a fork or to pull them? (Always used a fork in the past, to gently lift the plants onto the surface, but have seen videos of them being pulled up, using the foliage.)
Our shallots (which we've haven't grown for years, because we haven't had room) are starting to go brown at the tips. The bulbs are pushing each other apart but there's no sign of the foliage toppling. Should we wait for the tops to fall over, or should we start lifting them now?
Oh, and probably an even dumber question, but does onion fly attack onions once they're out of the ground?