Lifted some of my shallots the other day - Golden Gourmet and Red Sun. Unfortunately I left the plant labels behind when I took them home, so I now don't know which clump was which. This means that I don't know which ones to use first - I know one stores better than the other, so obviously I want to leave them for using later.
However, it is noticeable that one lot split into more bulbils than the other variety, so I am hoping somebody here will be able to tell me that this means those ones are definitely specifically one of the two varieties, because it does that...if you see what I mean !
If I'd had any sense I'd only have lifted one of them for short-term use to begin with, anyway...
However, it is noticeable that one lot split into more bulbils than the other variety, so I am hoping somebody here will be able to tell me that this means those ones are definitely specifically one of the two varieties, because it does that...if you see what I mean !

If I'd had any sense I'd only have lifted one of them for short-term use to begin with, anyway...
