Thanks to a neighbour I have one Black Cherry and one Black Russian tomato plant in the greenhouse. The Black Russian has - naturally - earned himself the name "Rasputin" but this has the unfortunate effect of forcing me to break into a lively chorus of the popular Boney M hit. I am convinced that the people living adjacent to my plot think I have some sort of serious problem! What with generally chatting to Beau, berating Mr and Mrs Blackbird for eating my blueberries, yelling at Mole to "Stop tunneling up my paths, ya B@gger!", and doing the Joey Tribiani victory dance when unearthing a particularly good spud, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before the men in the white coats arrive and cart me off.
Ra! Ra! Rasputin, lover of the Russian Queen -there was a cat that really was gone.....
Seriously, can't help it!
Ra! Ra! Rasputin, lover of the Russian Queen -there was a cat that really was gone.....
Seriously, can't help it!