Thought that this year I would try some different varietys of spuds so I planted Armandine, 2nd earlys, which produced a good crop. Brenadette, 2nd earlys and resistant to blight, a bit like Charlotte, they are fantastic! Seraphine, 2nd earlies which are supposed to do well in dry conditions and finally Pink Fir Apple (Corne de Gatte), main crop.
Well I planted the Brenadette and Seraphine in the same bed so that they got exactly the same treatment. When I dug them up 1 row of Bernadette, 6 plants, filled a 16 ltr bucket with large spuds and very few small ones
. I had to dig 3 rows of Seraphine, 18 plants, to 2 thirds fill the same bucket
Who are the seed merchants trying to fool.
Well I planted the Brenadette and Seraphine in the same bed so that they got exactly the same treatment. When I dug them up 1 row of Bernadette, 6 plants, filled a 16 ltr bucket with large spuds and very few small ones

Who are the seed merchants trying to fool.