Maybe this is a silly question but I am growing 'Hunter F1' butternut squash for the first time, simply because the seeds were sent out to me in France! The plants are like triffids, I'm fertilising by hand as the poor bees can't get anywhere near the female flowers! All is going well and I have numerous squash but, although they have the right shape the skins are green 'stripey' and look more like marrows than butternuts, also maybe I shouldn't be complaining but they are ENORMOUS!!!
So I do wonder if I really have got butternuts, could they have been cross pollinated? I know I am growing them in a different climate to the one they were developed for, could this be the reason for their size and colour?
Has anyone else had experience of this strain?
Must be the first time anyone has questioned how big their veg are growing

Must be the first time anyone has questioned how big their veg are growing
