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Sweetcorn.What went wrong


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  • #31
    Mine are rubbish too!


    • #32
      after complaining about my sweetcorn earlier, it has confounded me by now producing. It is still only just over 3 ft tall but nonetheless the baby sweetcorn eaten by me in the plot earlier today were delish. Now that I know what to expect from it, I may indeed grow it again next year. Northern Extra Sweet from T&M


      • #33
        I planted 200ish Incredible @ 15" spacing in rows of 14...through Mypex with electric fence for Badger proofing...from three sowings we have eaten the first third...lovely flavour and texture....but poor yield with 1 good cob + one half per plant....second batch look to have 2 + 1/2 but are not quite ripe yet. Don't think that 'incredible' is the best I've grown... try something else next year..

        the big thing I learned from last year is that you should never mix types...we have had no starchy hard kernels at all with just one variety.

        Apart from pesky badgers, we have excellent soil conditions and climate for maize here... so I 'spose it just hasn't been a great season for sweetcorn...

        Apart from variety and weather the other thing that can stunt your plants like that is root disturbance....I use three inch pots and a bulb planter.....using waterbottles as cloches at planting helps keep cold winds away till they are established.

        better luck next year.


        • #34
          I picked my first few kilos of cobs today: Incredible. It was .... just okay. Can't wait for my Conqueror, any day now
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #35
            I'm growing NES too. 3or 4 of them split into several stocks, I tried cutting off the secondary ones hoping to encourage a central stock but they were having none of it and just kept growing another one so I just let them be.

            The rest are 4/5 ft and the silks are only just starting to turn slightly brown. I hope they hurry up, don't want to lose them.
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            • #36
              Mine just got flattened in the gale today.
              History teaches us that history teaches us nothing. - Hegel


              • #37
                Originally posted by reetnproper View Post
                You are not alone. My sweetcorn (Sundance) are dreadful this year and I haven't had any problems with them over the last 3 years. Did everything the same but I'll be very surprised if I get any decent cobs off them this year.
                Well as predicted in my earlier post, I've now pulled all my corns up and haven't a cob to show for them. Ah well, next year will be better, I'm sure



                • #38
                  That's such a shame, next years will be mouth watering I bet
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                  • #39
                    chuffing badgers have eaten mine for the past two years ... I've given up on it

                    So long and thanks for all the fish.........

                    I have a blog

                    I'd rather be a comma than a full stop.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by reetnproper View Post
                      Well as predicted in my earlier post, I've now pulled all my corns up and haven't a cob to show for them. Ah well, next year will be better, I'm sure

                      I'm just over the water from you and my Sweetcorn hasn't been great either. One plant took off and got to a reasonable height with a reasonable size cob. The rest are ahout 2 feet tall, with half sized cobs on them. I don't even think they are going to ripen properly, none of them had tassles on to speak of. I think this year is a definite - Fail.
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