Last year I had very poor results from my runner beans (I've grown Scarlet Emperor for years). I changed variety to Enorma and White Lady to see if I could do better this year. I'm sure I have had even less this year although there were plenty of both red and white flowers and, as I think I commented on another thread, very few leaves. I've been racking my brains to think if there is anything I have done differently in these years, apart from changing variety and there are two things I can think of. One is planting more than one bean per pole, but I know lots of folks on here do that, so discounted it and the other is underplanting with CACA salad leaves, which have been flourishing. I wonder now whether the salad has flourished to the detriment of the beans. What do you think?
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Poor Runners
Originally posted by Florence Fennel View PostLast year I had very poor results from my runner beans (I've grown Scarlet Emperor for years). I changed variety to Enorma and White Lady to see if I could do better this year. I'm sure I have had even less this year although there were plenty of both red and white flowers and, as I think I commented on another thread, very few leaves. I've been racking my brains to think if there is anything I have done differently in these years, apart from changing variety and there are two things I can think of. One is planting more than one bean per pole, but I know lots of folks on here do that, so discounted it and the other is underplanting with CACA salad leaves, which have been flourishing. I wonder now whether the salad has flourished to the detriment of the beans. What do you think?Last edited by VirginVegGrower; 26-08-2011, 10:52 AM.Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein
Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw
Originally posted by rustylady View PostMy beans (french and runner) have been very poor this year too.
I never got a single black fly on my broard beans this year,that was even after NOT taking the flowering tips off,similarly the fruit & veg have been free of green fly & so few on the sweet peas I just tap them off when cutting,last year it was twice a week spray with soapy water.
A mate out Cannock way was saying he had only got 8 beans developing on 7 plantsHe who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity
I've got bees doing my pollinating...and my father is having the same problem with his runners. They have baskets and baskets fo flowers out the front of the house, so all the bees are there, they haven't thought to fly over the house and check out the back garden...Last edited by taff; 26-08-2011, 12:20 PM.
We grow lots of beans... a double row with about 40 plants.. all differnt varieties, mostly saved seed, and sown in the greenhouse over a period of 2 months for succession and planted out when tall enough to entwine.
The were late fowering this year and we reckon we are a good month behind.
Beans need lots of water so i have been down early mornings duing the growing season to keep em moist. This last 2 weeks we have had about 20lbs off then with 6 lbs coming off yesterday. i always pick them young and tender. We have had loads of bees and the little hovver fly things this year, but in wet summers i hang socks with suger in the toe, up on the top canes to atrract the bees, and it usually works.
A total harvest of 100lbs is a failure in my book.
This year as always I have grown 9 White Lady & 9 Red Rum. Both have been prolific as usual and I reckon my total havest will be in excess of 100lbs.
12 of the plants are in individual Morrisons buckets whilst the others are 3 each to two larger pots. All are fed with Miracle Grow on a regular basis using a feeder not a can. When I have fed the pots I then spray the plants with the same mixture.
ColinPotty by name Potty by nature.
By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.
We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.
Aesop 620BC-560BC
There have been a lot of people at our lottie complaining about beans this year.......after our dismal runners last year anything has bean a bonus . We moved the bean frame back to its original site and have had enough to eat and freeze. The climbing frenchies haven't done very well tho' .
The runners on the cg have gone beserk (even after being hit by frost) and I noticed yesterday that the bean frame has had to lie down for a restLast edited by binley100; 26-08-2011, 05:09 PM.S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
All our climbers have been pathetic so far this year, slow or zero germination and now, for those that have grown, the flowers aren't setting even though we have plenty of bees.
Originally posted by binley100 View PostThere have been a lot of people at our lottie complaining about beans this year........ We moved the bean frame back to its original site and have had enough to eat and freeze. The climbing frenchies haven't done very well tho'
Originally posted by bearded bloke View PostI think it is down to the lack of pollinating insects which in turn may be down to the lack of aphids for them to feed on.
I've had loads and loads of beans this year (after a dodgy start with the April/May drought), I also have loads of bees, due to my irritating habit (irritating to the Olde Boyes) of growing flowers all year round.
Hot nights can also bring setting to a halt: edited by Two_Sheds; 27-08-2011, 08:46 AM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
I've kept up the watering because I know how much they like it and I've seen plenty of bees. Some of the beans have developed to about 3" and then fattened out, what's that all about? I've had one "boiling" as they say, but little else. Strange. Thanks for your comments.Granny on the Game in Sheffield
I must be the exception this year, I've had pounds of my plants. I've had to give so many away because I just can't keep up with them. The freezers not far of full of them and there still producing there heads off. I've grown "St George & Moonlight" this year. The moonlight were terrible to germinate, so bad I emailed and rang Thomson & Morgan to complain (more seeds were sent), but out of the plants that did manage to germinate...I've been over run with beans of them AND there still producing like mad.
I can't see the salad leaves taking the goodness out of the soil Flo cos they produce there own food, so it might have just been one of those things. If you'd like some moonlight seeds for next year...I have 2 full packets I can let you have some out of. Here's a photo of the famous arch I grow them over.
Originally posted by ginger ninger View PostThe moonlight were terrible to germinate, so bad I emailed and rang Thomson & Morgan to complain (more seeds were sent), but out of the plants that did manage to germinate...I've been over run with beans of them AND there still producing like mad.
"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses."-- Abraham Lincoln
this is my first year growing beans- runner and french. i went a bit overboard in the first instance and planted about 40-50 plants. i thought i was going to be over-run with beans as they are meant to be prolific producers. however ive only had a few harvests. they dont seem to be producing as much as i'd expected but im glad to see that it isnt just me. must be a bad year of beans. i know why mine have done too well and its down to lack of water. its just been soooo dry here this summer. all my water butts are empty so they've had to fend for themselves. (although we've just had a weekend of rain so maybe they'll pick up now). My brand spanking new plot
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