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Why are my leeks so thin?


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  • #16
    Originally posted by Thelma Sanders View Post
    I've had to pull a few because of the Leek Moth
    You might not have had to pull them: just slice them off an inch below the soil and they'll regrow, sans leek moth
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
      Leeks are gross feeders and thrive on loads of fym and that goes for leeks grown for the kitchen too.
      Third year growing leeks and I've never manured them as I heard they didn't like it (unless it's very well rotted) and they've always been a decent size around now, getting gradually bigger as the months go on. A lot have bolted this year though - stupid drought. *chunters*
      Last edited by Shadylane; 05-10-2011, 05:28 PM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
        You might not have had to pull them: just slice them off an inch below the soil and they'll regrow, sans leek moth
        Oh thanks, I'll try that if any more look dodgy!


        • #19
          When I harvest them, I cut them off rather than pulling the roots up: they regrow
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #20
            2 crops for the price of one LOL


            • #21
              Aberdeenplotter nice Leeks but celery the devils own food :yuck:


              • #22
                Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                When I harvest them, I cut them off rather than pulling the roots up: they regrow
                Well you learn something new everyday! Thanks T S


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                  You might not have had to pull them: just slice them off an inch below the soil and they'll regrow, sans leek moth
                  i did this twice and they got attacked 3 times
                  im now digging them all up to see what i can salvage
                  my plot march 2013

                  hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is a whole lot better


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by hawthorns View Post
                    i did this twice and they got attacked 3 times
                    im now digging them all up to see what i can salvage
                    Are you sure it's leek moth?


                    • #25
                      This is my second year for leeks. Last years were like large spring onions. This year I sowed twice, end of January in heated propargator and again end of February. Moved from greenhouse to poly as the days warmed and space in gh became limited. Was late potting on one lot, so now the differing sizes. Both better than last years so happy. One lot accutally look like the pictures of leeks. Nowhere the size of AB's .

                      AB that's a fantastic display, hope the judges agreed with me. If I get any of my crop half their size, I will be more than estatic.
                      Sometimes you just have to scratch that itch and get dirt under your finger nails.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Shadylane View Post
                        A lot have bolted this year though - stupid drought. *chunters*
                        A few of mine have bolted but I've decided to leave 2 of them to flower because I want to see what a leek flower looks like. BTW is it too late to try that leek grass thingy when the leeks flower?



                        • #27
                          I aim to be able to take grass off from early November. If the flowers ahven't even formed yet, you will be struggling I think but give it a try anyway and let us know how you get on


                          • #28
                            Grumble, grumble leeks grumble.

                            Last year and this year just haven't worked -- they're tiny and I don't expect them to get bigger. I haven't done anything obviously wrong and I've had success in the past. I *think* I've changed variety, so I should try something else next year. But [shakes head] I've chucked the packet and can't remember what I'm trying to avoid...
                            Garden Grower
                            Twitter: @JacobMHowe


                            • #29
                              and you never wrote the variety down...naughty boy
                              That's why keeping notes are important


                              • #30
                                Jacob, if you are just looking to try to grow a good leek for the kitchen, you cannot go far wrong by growing Musselburgh.


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