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Intercropping Expert


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  • #61
    The object of the forum is to SHARE knowledge and that is why no one seems to respond in the way you expect. We, from time to time have people trying to use our brains for commercial reasons.

    If you would like to PM me I will see if we can sort this out. I would not claim to be an expert but I do intercrop and also companion plant.
    Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


    • #62
      Originally posted by Lisa-Marie View Post
      I am new to forums, so am not sure if this replying to a quote will work, but this is to zazen999 - I did ask the question!!!!
      It's like pulling teeth - hopefully Roit will sort you with something
      Last edited by zazen999; 11-10-2011, 05:51 PM.


      • #63
        Just a quick question Lisa-Marie. Are you related to Lisa-Marie73 who joined in 2007? Just wondering.
        Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


        • #64
          Originally posted by Jeanied View Post
          Just a quick question Lisa-Marie. Are you related to Lisa-Marie73 who joined in 2007? Just wondering.
          No - I would be Lisa-Marie70 if anything as I am now 40 years old!


          • #65
            Originally posted by rustylady View Post
            Lisa, for goodness sake ask a straightforward question
            I did! - is there anyone out there who is an inter-cropping specialist who would like to chat about a idea that I have. I have asked it so many times. It's not a trick question, it's not a scam. It's an innocent request for a contact who knows more that I do about a subject that I am excited by. Sorry that it has caused so much hassle. I am really sad at the responses. I am utterly perplexed.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Lisa-Marie View Post
              I did! - is there anyone out there who is an inter-cropping specialist who would like to chat about a idea that I have. I have asked it so many times. It's not a trick question, it's not a scam. It's an innocent request for a contact who knows more that I do about a subject that I am excited by. Sorry that it has caused so much hassle. I am really sad at the responses. I am utterly perplexed.
              But why do you need a contact rather than just asking the same things you would ask them, on here?


              A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
              An Internet message board.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Jeanied View Post
                Just a quick question Lisa-Marie. Are you related to Lisa-Marie73 who joined in 2007? Just wondering.
                Hi, I have just gone onto my profile page to add some information and they have me as a lisamarie73 who last posted in 2007 which I don't understand and I can't seem to add any information either. I am not a forum person and have little idea of how these things work. But no - I am not lisamarie73.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                  But why do you need a contact rather than just asking the same things you would ask them, on here?


                  A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
                  An Internet message board.
                  Because I have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of questions, and many questions that I don't even know yet. Because I am looking for someone who can join me on a project, because I thought that a vegetable forum might be a friendly place where someone with a knowledge of inter-cropping hung out.

                  Because I prefer real life contact to the internet, because I might be a little tentative about my idea as I am not a gardening expert. Many many reasons.

                  What I asked was not unreasonable. Really. And it was asked in the spirit of someone who became silly excited about gardening over the past year and thought that she could do something fun and wonderful with it.


                  • #69
                    Hi there- I think the problem has been that you didn't introduce yourself in the usual way and jumped in asking if there is an expert you can talk with directly.
                    Most Grapes are amateurs but between us have a fantastic wealth of info....all working together and supporting each other.

                    We have had people in the past wanting to abuse this friendly site - for their own gain. Also the BBC and other TV programmes asking for research help.
                    Naturally jumping in and asking for that in depth advice is going to make peeps suspicious-tis only natural

                    Perhaps there is someone on here who is an expert who may be able to help you- BUT we can't pm you at the moment as your details are crossing over with another Grapes. Until Admin sort that out posting on here will be your only point of contact.

                    I hope you are successful- why not ask your fellow grapes for their thoughts on your plans- I think you'll be very surprised at the quality of help you will get.
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Lisa-Marie View Post
                      I can't seem to add any information either. I am not a forum person and have little idea of how these things work. But no - I am not lisamarie73.
                      We are aware of this problem and have asked Admin to look into it.
                      It does happen from time to time with similar names.
                      Can you access that person's pm and send me some of your details???- I'll be happy to keep them private and act as a go-between until it's sorted out.
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Lisa-Marie View Post
                        Because I have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of questions, and many questions that I don't even know yet. Because I am looking for someone who can join me on a project, because I thought that a vegetable forum might be a friendly place where someone with a knowledge of inter-cropping hung out.

                        Because I prefer real life contact to the internet, because I might be a little tentative about my idea as I am not a gardening expert. Many many reasons.

                        What I asked was not unreasonable. Really. And it was asked in the spirit of someone who became silly excited about gardening over the past year and thought that she could do something fun and wonderful with it.
                        So are you considering paying for this? Is this free recruitment? And if it is in person, would you expect people to travel to answer your questions or would you travel to see them? And the question is still - what sort of project?

                        If you came in with 'I am putting together the plans for a growing project in Northampton and was wondering a, b and c - you'd probably get a plethora of answers that might well lead to a contact that WOULD come and help you in person - but I think asking on a forum [which is basically an open house type of communication tool] for advice on finding someone to assist [who would be liable if it went wrong or wrong advice was given?] behind the scenes will just annoy people.


                        • #72
                          I hope you resolve this impasse soon because I'd like to know more about intercropping too! I've never really thought that it was anything other than squashing in as many plants as you can into as little an area as possible. In fact I do it all the time, usually alternating a root crop with a leafy crop and maybe squeezing in a row of fast maturing little things in between them again. But that shows how much of an innocent I am at gardening!! Basically, I haven't a clue!!!


                          • #73
                            I did loads of it when I used to do container gardening - it's about using the 4 dimensions to your advantage.


                            • #74
                              VC - I think there is something in my beloved Joy Larkcom book about it .... I will have a flick thorugh it tonight .

                              So long and thanks for all the fish.........

                              I have a blog

                              I'd rather be a comma than a full stop.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Jeanied View Post
                                Just a quick question Lisa-Marie. Are you related to Lisa-Marie73 who joined in 2007? Just wondering.
                                Strange question Jeanie, but I keep getting directed to LM73 when I try to view Lisa Marie's profile


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