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OMG The seed catalogues!!


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  • OMG The seed catalogues!!

    I've looked through two catalogues tonight, making notes of what I want to buy for next year. There are no duplicates in there and I was ruthless- no more than two packs of any veg and always the cheapest option. How did the total come to nearly £100??? LOL Revising the list tomorrow

  • #2
    I have 4 catalogues, so far


    • #3
      Where can you get the catalogues from?
      Garden Chris


      • #5
        I dont usually open seed catalogues...its too dangerous!!


        • #6
          Me too - I have stacks and I read them in bed ....

          So long and thanks for all the fish.........

          I have a blog

          I'd rather be a comma than a full stop.


          • #7
            £100 !! wow that does sound rather a lot of seed to me. Are you growing on a big plot, so needs loads of seed or choosing all expensive F1 varieties.

            Maybe you could use some of this seasons seed if you still have some. Many seeds remain viable for several years if stored carefully - not of course such veg as parsnips, carrot, salsify etc, but beans, peas and tomatoes have a very long life.

            Is there a Seed-Swap near you? you might be able to get some new varieties there.


            Response to Garden-Chris - another great catalogue is Great Vegetable Seeds from The Real Seed Catalogue
            Last edited by alex-adam; 10-10-2011, 04:55 PM.


            • #8
              They are lovely to look at aren't they and so tempting? £100 sounds an awful lot though Sarriss, it would be interesting to know what's on your list!
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • #9
                They should be banned,almost as bad as loan sharks The moleseeds one dropped in yesterday it weighs almost 2lb


                • #10
                  Good Gourd.

                  I know I'm very very very lucky; the access I have to seeds - but those catalogues do make me laugh - the prices

                  I generally do buy each season, but I make my money back on mine by selling off the remainder each year. Currently, I have in my 'sold' account more than I originally spent on buying last year's. Which is nice.


                  • #11
                    I have ordered from both Dobies and Thompson and Morgan, so it's their catalogues I've been through. To be fair, I just wrote it ALL down that I wanted... I am going to cut it down lol

                    For example, I NEED to try the purple carrots. NEED! I want some comfrey, Laura parsley because it's allegedly the best flavoured (so for the first time deviating from me splitting shop bought pots of parsley method), purple spotted potatoes, purple basil, some funky looking squashes, yellow-ish courgettes with a green tip (they look too cool - imagine sharing them with other people on the lottie!), wavy beans, OMG the list goes on LOL

                    I do have a fairly big plot and quite good at succession sowing, so I might be able to cram it all in.. but rest assured, all those that got a heart attack at my post, that the list will be condensed. I have limited time in looking after my allotment, so sense must prevail lol

                    It's such good fun going through the catalogues though.. damn them! LOL


                    • #12
                      Have you got a chum that also wants to grow some of this stuff, you could go halves and split the packs?


                      • #13
                        no more than two packs of any veg
                        How many acres are you planting ? !!
                        There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.

                        Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?


                        • #14
                          if you want cheap seeds i'd go into your local garden centre and see if they have any clearance offers on, i went into mine and they have about 4 30 litre buckets full of packets of seed for 50p each


                          • #15
                            Originally posted by snohare View Post

                            How many acres are you planting ? !!
                            LOL I'm not growing all kinds of veg.. but I have some favouriteones that I want more than one variety of. Carrots for example- I want to try the purple variety for the novelty factor and of course some chantensy. I'll go get my list later for a flavour of what I might end up growing next year lol My veg plot is 30 foot byb90 btw


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