I bought Atlantic Giant seeds which were pretty extortionate for the 10 in the pack....and the dog ate one so we ended up with 9 planted, 6 survivors which we planted in the garden and the allotment. The 3 at the allotment were put in ground full of well rotted horse manure and grew like triffids. Unfortunately most of the flowers were male
. We ended up with four pumpkins on three plants. One is the size of a tennis ball, one grew long then went all soggy and rotten, one is about the size of a turnip and has split (lack of water followed by rain like tomatoes do?) the only decent sized one is still well under supermarket size and is a most peculiar shape. The damn things grew like triffids, took up an entire bed virtually and didnt even give us one decent lantern let alone a giant one or two
. Boo is most discombobulated as she is obviously dying to buy a real one but doesnt want to hurt my feelings. To rub it in that vine has now died and the pumpkin fallen off so it has had to come home where it is mocking me
. The plants at home are in a well rotted dalek compost bin. two died and the survivor has crawled all over the hedge and into the chickens. fantastic leaves still going strong and about 6 golf balls. Two of them have been chickened
. OK what did I do?????