I sowed "Autumn King" Carrot seeds on 26th July and kept them covered with fleece from then on to avoid the dreaded carrot fly...
All has gone well and they have grown but at this stage (pulled some yesterday) I woudl have expected them to be a bit larger than they were at this point in time....
I didn't thin them at all, but then again I didn't thin my Spring sown ones, and they were sizeable enough after 3 months....
Is it ok to leave these in the ground for another month or so to see if they fill out another bit...??
I sowed "Autumn King" Carrot seeds on 26th July and kept them covered with fleece from then on to avoid the dreaded carrot fly...
All has gone well and they have grown but at this stage (pulled some yesterday) I woudl have expected them to be a bit larger than they were at this point in time....
I didn't thin them at all, but then again I didn't thin my Spring sown ones, and they were sizeable enough after 3 months....
Is it ok to leave these in the ground for another month or so to see if they fill out another bit...??