I had a cunning idea the other day at the allotment...and then I thought, maybe it isn't so clever. 
I have a wooden sided area which one day will be a raised bed, and inside it are growing some winter brassicas; a cabbage and some PSB. The latter is just coming ready, but the leaves are getting eaten voraciously by a sudden late epidemic of snails.
What I thought was, why not fill the bed with leaves, and let the molluscs chomp on them to their hearts content ? And then I thought, maybe the leaf mulch would not be so much a decoy, as a Mecca for every mollusc in the garden..which would shelter from frosts in it, venturing out only to eat my veggies, and reproducing rapidly amongst plentiful food which wouldn't just be confined to dead leaves...
Anyone ever tried this ? Any experiences of similar or relevant situations would be much appreciated.

I have a wooden sided area which one day will be a raised bed, and inside it are growing some winter brassicas; a cabbage and some PSB. The latter is just coming ready, but the leaves are getting eaten voraciously by a sudden late epidemic of snails.
What I thought was, why not fill the bed with leaves, and let the molluscs chomp on them to their hearts content ? And then I thought, maybe the leaf mulch would not be so much a decoy, as a Mecca for every mollusc in the garden..which would shelter from frosts in it, venturing out only to eat my veggies, and reproducing rapidly amongst plentiful food which wouldn't just be confined to dead leaves...

Anyone ever tried this ? Any experiences of similar or relevant situations would be much appreciated.
