My daughter adores celery (loves filling the sticks with tuna or cream cheese for the novelty value) and has asked me if we will be growing some in our garden. I'd planned to grow celeriac, as I've had reasonable success with it in the past, but if we were able get any celery going, it would certainly be a 'high value' crop as we get through lots in our household!
I have some seeds which came as part of a job lot, of a celery called Tall Utah, which I believe is a self blanching variety.
Do any other grapes grow celery with success, or otherwise? I would love any advice... reading some of the other threads, it sounds like growing this as a crop may be too difficult
I have some seeds which came as part of a job lot, of a celery called Tall Utah, which I believe is a self blanching variety.
Do any other grapes grow celery with success, or otherwise? I would love any advice... reading some of the other threads, it sounds like growing this as a crop may be too difficult
