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Has anyone used Biochar?


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  • #16
    Originally posted by planetologist View Post
    smc999, since we both use the word doubt, but use it in completely different contexts, I just want to clarify what I am doubting.

    I have about as much doubt that there is human made climate change as that there is gravity (leaving the ladder one may fall upward). The IPCC says there is convincing evidence that climate change is human made, and no alternative evidence whatever that can explain all the different strands of global change that are happening. You only need a brief glance at the thoroughness of the IPCC reports and the procedure by which they are put together to see that this is a group of several thousand scientist, who are used to qualify every statement, saying that this is very likely. I can recommend
    The Copenhagen Diagnosis
    which is only 60 pages, and very readable, for a brief glimpse.

    What I was doubting is whether using biochar that has been made by an industrial process and not exactly locally would be a good thing to use in order to mitigate climate change. Chances are that it will make it worse.
    Please see the link below.
    Climage change is the norm

    The earth's climate has never been a constant and it never will be, to think any different is plain stupidity. The IPCC came to the conclusion they did based on ingorning information that didn't fit their agenda. See link below.

    The UN IPCC's Artful Bias

    To think that man is the main driver for climate change is utter lunacy when compared to the multitude of other factors that influence climate change. There is no doubt that their is climate change but to believe its soley down to humans is utterly beyond belief.


    • #17
      There is evidence that if man ceased all activity tomorrow it would make difference of only 2%, therefore 98% of climate change is natural.

      Then there is the old wifes tale of 'its happening faster than any time in history'. Living history maybe but not the history of the world.

      Yes we must look after the planet we live on but it seems to me that everyone has their own agenda. The oil companies for sure, the producers of supposedly carbon neutral energy for sure and so on.

      In my life time alone the so called experts have taken us from prepare for a mini ice age to the sun's going to burn your eyes out and they expect me to take them seriously.

      Potty by name Potty by nature.

      By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

      We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

      Aesop 620BC-560BC



      • #18
        I was curious about this when I saw it promoted at Hampton Court Flower show by Marshalls. The staff member was using it himself at his allotment [1/4 pot to a water butt then water everything in site].

        I used it like this once in July for my green house and potted crops and saw results. I used it at the point the compost was running out of steam and as a substitute to tom feed for on of the weekly feeds. I was impressed, growth became more sturdy is the best way to describe this and I would recommend it for a once/twice per season use on heavy feeders.

        I've got enough left for 3 more water butts full - so not bad for the money. Turns the water [and the butt] a really interesting colour.
        Last edited by Storming Norman; 05-12-2011, 07:44 PM.


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