I planted a mixture of currant bushes last year - red, white and black. I cleverly stuck the printed tops of the packs under the wood edging the beds, and am now very surprised to find the cardboard labels identifying the bushes have um.. well disintegrated and vanished wouldn't be putting it too strongly .
I know that some currants and pruned in the winter and some aren't, but because I have no idea which are which, am I better pruning the lot or leaving them all please?
Guess what my new year's resolution is going to be?
I planted a mixture of currant bushes last year - red, white and black. I cleverly stuck the printed tops of the packs under the wood edging the beds, and am now very surprised to find the cardboard labels identifying the bushes have um.. well disintegrated and vanished wouldn't be putting it too strongly .
I know that some currants and pruned in the winter and some aren't, but because I have no idea which are which, am I better pruning the lot or leaving them all please?
Guess what my new year's resolution is going to be?