hello im lee and im totally new to all fruit and veg growing i dont have a alotment and will be using raised beds and pots for all veg and fruit i have a bit of land bout 15ft by 15ft i want to grow fruit and veg im after a repitable seed sellers and also some info on the best chillis /pepper /tomatos/green beans/strawberrys /blueberrys /and any other recommended friuts and veg that is easy to grow. if probably missed out loads of info that you may need to help me all info would be a help and if it not cheeky does any 1 have any easy grwing seeds they dont want
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absolute noobie
Hi Lee, welcome to the Vine. Could you add your location to your profile please, then we know whereabouts you are as it shows up on your posts. This does make a difference to advice given. We do have seed swaps on the Vine, but certain rules apply (e.g. you have to have been a member of the Vine for a certain amount of time, and have made a certain number of gardening related posts) to qualify. Sorry, not sure of the numbers without checking. Chillies, peppers and tomatoes are usually better grown in a greenhouse (again, depends on where you are). Green beans (runners and french) are fairly easy and can be grown in the open.
Erm ..........first of all welcome and second there are some rules on seed swapping and third please put your location on your profile in case its relevant for answering queries ..S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
Hello and welcome to the vine its a friendly place but we do have rules :-
http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...ers_43942.htmlLocation....East Midlands.
Hello Lee and welcome. There's lots of advice on here already. Why don't you make yourself a cuppa, pull up a chair and have a search to see what other newbies have asked. I'm sure you'll find some of your answers, then come back to us for more specific advice. Borrow a book from the library about veg growing too.
Hi Lee - well the best thing to do as a complete noob is to work out what you like to eat! Sounds silly but dont try growing weird things that you've not tried before in your first year as it could put you off if they are difficult or you dont like them! There is lots of advice here if you use the search functions put in the fruit or veg you want to know about and all the relevant threads come up. Also if you ask specific questions here - all us lovely people will try and help! Good luck - this growing lark is addictive!
Hi Lee, Welcome!
I notice that you have a LOT of things in your list, there! My advice would be to start off with the easy stuff and staple veg i.e. those you're most likely to eat and look after easily. For me, these would be potatoes (you'll find these in Wilkinsons in a couple of weeks from now). Otherwise for me courgettes are very easy and most beans are, too, as long as you watch out for pests - these are the most soul destroying things when they eat all your hard work! Tomatoes are also quite easy, though not sure how you'd grow them in a raised bed. If you can put pots against a sheltered (and sunny!) wall, I would do that, placing the pots inside a temporary greenhouse. Also known as blowaways, for obvious reasons, so do not buy one if your spot is prone to more than a light breeze!
I would add that it can be quite daunting joining a forum, esp when you're new and have so many questions! Where to start!!
Firstly its great that you want to grow things and welcome to the vine!
Have a look through the search at the top right hand side of the page for key words, to start with, and if anything from that is still a puzzle, come back and ask us.
I would also recommend getting acouple of books on GYO, maybe even subscribing the the magazine.
Most of all, Good Luck!!
HI Lee and welcome from another newbie! Newish anyway (I've been growing my own fruit and veg in my small back garden for about 5 years and now am the proud holder of an allotment).
We have had a lot of success with growing strawberries in our small patch, and the plants that we have now are the great great grandplants of the first 5 plants we bought!
Chillis are HARD to grow, we have failed to grow from seed 5 times, but had tremendous success with plants last year!
Good luck with your growing, and remember there is nothing too daft to ask!!!!!Come and take a look at my new lottie, leave some comments, all advice/suggestions grabbed with both hands!!
Hi Lee welcome to the mad house.
My first bit of advice would be to carry on doing your research and don't rush you have time yet.
You will read posts on the Vine where people are already planting ready for the new season but do remember these are experienced gardeners with all sorts of little tricks up their combined sleeves.
For a newbie the way to success is to follow the advice on the seed packets about planting times depths etc.
ColinPotty by name Potty by nature.
By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.
We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.
Aesop 620BC-560BC
Originally posted by mazzanoobie View PostI'm now reading through loads of post theres a lot to learn
You've got a shortlist of things you want to grow, that's a great start. Now you need to look at what conditions they each like, and see if your plot matches that. Hopefully your plot is sunny (south or southwest facing) and sheltered from winds
Originally posted by trixy View Post
Chillis are HARD to grow(but I can't grow a radish to save my life)
All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
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