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Is there anything worth sowing now or soon?


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  • #16
    Got 10 chilli plants about an inch tall on the bedroom windowsill. Also started some comfrey off in pots, so they might be a reasonable size come April-ish to plant out - one in the garden and a couple on the lottie.
    Are y'oroight booy?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Chocolate8me View Post
      Thank you both, I now need to find a way of using lots of toilet paper so I can use the cardboard...

      <Choccy runs off to pretend to be the Andrex puppy>
      You can borrow my wife, she seems to consume rolls by the tens, daily.

      When the cardboard rots down in the ground once planted it'll help to improve the soil structure slightly too.


      • #18
        Could spring onions be grown in toilet roll tubes under lights in a growbox until they are ready for harvesting?


        • #19
          ^ why would you waste electric on growing spring onions Rob? They aren't difficult to grow outside. Winter Lisbon can stand low temps too
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #20
            Originally posted by robfosters View Post
            Could spring onions be grown in toilet roll tubes under lights in a growbox until they are ready for harvesting?
            Are you thinking of keeping them in a growbox until they're big enough to eat? Sounds an expensive way of growing spring onions! I have some seeds germinating on the windowsill at the moment. When they're a bit bigger I'll put some in pots in the GH and the rest outside in the soil. If I need the "spring onion" effect meanwhile I'll take some tops of my overwintering onions or the chives which are sprouting now.


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