The allotment shop has already got in the seed potatoes for the year and I've got a mix od first early, second early and maincrop potatoes. Should they all be planted at the same time (early March) in which case I should start chitting all of them now???
Also, I've saved a couple of Rudolph potatoes from Asda as i grew them last year and really liked them, they were supposed to be a "crop till Christmas" potato- should they be planted the same time as the other maincrops?? (I know they may not sprout, being from the supermarket, but as the allotment shop didn't stock them I thought I'd give it a go)
Also, I've saved a couple of Rudolph potatoes from Asda as i grew them last year and really liked them, they were supposed to be a "crop till Christmas" potato- should they be planted the same time as the other maincrops?? (I know they may not sprout, being from the supermarket, but as the allotment shop didn't stock them I thought I'd give it a go)