A few days ago I found a bag of Charlotte potatoes in my cupboard, merrily sprouting away, all with 3-6 inches of white growth. I decided I might as well see if they can be planted (or at least, decided to bring them with me until I got around asking if it was wise to do so here) but it's so cold at the moment that half a day spent in my car seems to have damaged them; most of the sprouts are now brown, and while more are fairly firmish still some are decaying.

There are a few white sprouts remaining. They're now in a unheated garage, but my Anyas in the same garage are doing fine. The Charlotte tubers appear ok - they're wet from condensation from their bag but fine in colour and texture as far as I can tell.
If you prune sprouts, do they grow back? Is there any point persevering with these chaps (chapettes?) or are supermarket spuds in general best avoided?

There are a few white sprouts remaining. They're now in a unheated garage, but my Anyas in the same garage are doing fine. The Charlotte tubers appear ok - they're wet from condensation from their bag but fine in colour and texture as far as I can tell.
If you prune sprouts, do they grow back? Is there any point persevering with these chaps (chapettes?) or are supermarket spuds in general best avoided?