Oooo, soggy tissues, my favourite topic...
Not to mess with your post 2S but I've changed the order of points....
Not at all. And that would probably be the ideal place/process for the soggy tissues too... The largely Victorian sewerage system we have in place in the UK is hugely influential in helping to avoid disease and you only need a national or international disaster that knocks out regular disposal systems (earthquake probably being the most common) to see how quickly killer diseases arrive and get in the drinking water - then everyone worries. We are mercifully not too prone to that in the UK though recent flooding tested some systems. (Meanwhile what concerns me more on the same topic is dog poo on pavements, grassy areas and on children's feet and buggie wheels... but that's a different post.)
That's fine, and the fact that your compost steams suggests you know what you're doing and have expertise etc... My general point is that as a general recommendation that's unlikely to be the case. Yours not blowing about is no guarantee that your neighbour's won't be and on that basis I'd be wary of it being recommended as general practice.
But it's not solely the "common cold", is it? Whilst many tissues fulfill harm-free functions (tears, make-up, spills etc) - no great problem with them - it's separating them from those that might not be so harmless including carrying germs, disease, infection, viruses etc. How particular ones might react within certain conditions is also difficult to test.
So my concern is not particularly that knowledgeable 2S is composting her tissues somewhere in windy Norfolk but any suggestion of a general rule that used "soiled" tissues belong in some localised heap. What would be the general effect on the wider population? I'd like to know what Peter Kay and his Nan would make of this....

Originally posted by Two_Sheds
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Originally posted by Two_Sheds
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Originally posted by Two_Sheds
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Originally posted by Two_Sheds
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So my concern is not particularly that knowledgeable 2S is composting her tissues somewhere in windy Norfolk but any suggestion of a general rule that used "soiled" tissues belong in some localised heap. What would be the general effect on the wider population? I'd like to know what Peter Kay and his Nan would make of this....
