...what do you do then? The other day I wanted to get going, but the FIL's compost generated so much nettle seedlings and crap that none of my 'winter' tomatoes germinated and I didn't have compost.
Soooo, I did the germination on wet roll thing, without thinking it through!! Do you keep the roll wet, or keep dampening with more water? Once germinated, do you transfer to loo rolls as soon as they germinate or longer?
I know, I know, I should have just waited!!!
I just fancied having a go, is all.
Soooo, I did the germination on wet roll thing, without thinking it through!! Do you keep the roll wet, or keep dampening with more water? Once germinated, do you transfer to loo rolls as soon as they germinate or longer?
I know, I know, I should have just waited!!!
