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Yet another question about carrot and parsnip germination


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  • #16
    I grow carrots in plastic boxes about 60x40x30cm deep. I sow thinly into multi-purpose compost and [usually] have good results. If it's going to be frosty I put a sheet of glass over the boxes. peteso.


    • #17
      I sowed carrot and parsnip seeds straight into my raised bed about three weeks ago and I dont think anything is growing apart from weeds! My soil has been well dug and sieved of stones. I raked in general purpose fertiliser and I am watering every evening due to the hot weather. I dont know whether or not to just give up and plant something else there instead or just be patient,but surely they just of started to germinate by now?


      • #18
        I sow carrots and parsnips in raised beds in a mixture of 3 parts potting compost to 1 of sharp sand and always get stonking results. The only thing is, the parsnips are always 3 to 4 months behind what it says on the seed packet. The weather is still a bit undecided yet, warm days and cold nights, so germination will be slow.

        If it ain't broke, don't fix it and if you ain't going to eat it, don't kill it


        • #19
          I think other people have said everything about the carrot and parsnip germination, but for those who want to germinate on kitchen roll, take this tip
          Put each seed on a postage size piece of damp kitchen paper, then in the damp kitchen roll parcel, Then when the seeds sprout just lift the postage stamp paper with the seed and plant the lot.
          You can also use the method to check the viability of old seed, or self collected seed from your own garden, before planting it.

          From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


          • #20
            The first row of snips are up!! really pleased. Thought i'd lost the touch. Alice thats a good idea for viability study, I use a similar method for collecting/storing tomato seed etc. Just cut the kitchen peper to 1/2 seed tray size them lay it out on the compost next spring cover with a bit of vermiculite ...presto!


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