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Anyone else getting carried away with this sowing business?


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  • Anyone else getting carried away with this sowing business?

    I'm not sure if it's the weather, having a new plot (and impending arrival of greenhouse) or whether I'm just making up for doing very little last year (depression of redundancy and moving house), but I've sown enough to feed the village and I'm not finished!!

    Bearing in mind there are only two of us, I so far have sown:

    Tomatoes (13 seedlings so far)
    Rocket (now transplanted on)
    First Earlies (arran pilot)
    Second Earlies (er, can't remember, but they're labelled! )
    Maincrop (King Edwards - I bought the bigger bag from tattieman)
    Maincrop Desiree (saved from last year). Total of 4 rows of potatoes, about 15ft long.
    Three varieties of carrots (three rows plus a long container of parmex)
    Two varieties of courgette (in my defence they were the last of last year's seeds, so not worth keeeping another year), total of 10 if they all go ok!!
    Three rows of parsnips
    Two rows of AYR lettuce
    5 rows of onions, mixed
    2 rows of spring onions
    8 sweetcorn
    6 chilli peppers
    10 cucumber
    catnip (Kitties have needs too, he he!)
    6 new strawberry plants

    Still got to sow beans and PSB, plus sprouts. I *think* I'm done, then!!

    We're going to be fat way before Christmas, he he!!

  • #2
    Quick everyone round to sluglobbers house for seedlings.

    Thats incredible well done.


    • #3
      Yes, me too! I planted spinach, tomatoes, several lettuce/rocket/mizuna type things, peas, carrots, radishes and spring onions today. Onions, garlic, kale, cabbages, cauliflower, broad beans, beetroots and turnips already under way. If we have a dry summer, the watering is going to be a full time job.


      • #4
        Oops, forgot to put Kale in the list!! Wondering what else people will write to make me think, 'Oh yeah! That too!'

        On a serious note, now I've gone for it and sown the parsnips direct into soil, I've got a huge bag of cardboard rolls. Anybody near Dorking want 'em??


        • #5
          Erm - only 4 varieties of potatoes and 13 tomatoes up so far?

          Hmmm- I think I have a bit of a problem here, Huston.
          Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


          • #6
            Trust me, Jeanie, if I hadn't had to dig over the entire plot from scratch, there would probably be more!
            God help me next year...


            • #7
              He he - I'm in the same boat SlugLobber! I have some serious preparation to do and some big time giveaways to lottie neighbours!
              Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


              • #8
                44 tomato plants here, so far, still waiting for some to show.
                I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
                Now a little Shrinking Violet.



                • #9
                  Sluglobber, me'thinks that you like cucumbers!!

                  I've gone rather mad with tomatoes too. 13 varieties; a pinch of each in each module (and a spare pot). Must be looking at over 100 plants when I've done. Hoping to pot up Tumbling Toms in Morrison buckets to give to all of my 3yr old GD's friends.
                  Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you are probably right.
                  Edited: for typo, thakns VC


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SlugLobber View Post
                    Oops, forgot to put Kale in the list!! Wondering what else people will write to make me think, 'Oh yeah! That too!'

                    On a serious note, now I've gone for it and sown the parsnips direct into soil, I've got a huge bag of cardboard rolls. Anybody near Dorking want 'em??
                    I did wonder why there were no parsnips on your first list
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • #11
                      my missus is loving the sowing thing .... she moved from a house with a tiny "living room" sized garden to my place with 100ft x 30ft garden, the bottom 40ft of which is my fruit and veggie patch

                      i normally have 6 tomatoes and a cucumber in the greenhouse, a few more tomatoes and peppers in pots, and 3 8ftx8ft beds for the veggies, one each for potatoes, salad stuff, and brassicas, 5 or 6 troughs of carrots, plus a few other bits in pots ....

                      so far we have 20 sacks with spuds, 8 pots with spuds, 12 pots and 2 troughs with garlic and elephant garlic, 11 troughs with carrots (Early Nantes, Autumn King, Rainbow), a trough of beetroot, red, white and black currants and a blueberry in large pots (until i've dug over a bed for them), several large pots with horseradish, olives, orange and lemon trees, a new cherry tree, a new peach tree, a trough of long-rooted radish, 6 large pots of leeks, 3 grapes and a kiwi in pots (until i've put a new trellis fence up), 63 shallots, about 50 winter onions already growing, 60 summer onions planted out today (started in greenhouse), a mini trough of mint, a trough of parsnips ....

                      and in the greenhouse we have 30+ sweetcorn, 96 tomatoes (11 varieties), 96 peas, 24 kale, 48 cauliflower, 72 broccoli/calabrese (3 varieties), 4 aubergine, 24 red cabbage, 4 celery, 4 cucumber, 4 melons, 16 spinach, 10 courgette (4 varieties), 2 seed trays of radish, 1 of mustard, 1 of lemongrass, 72 peppers and chillies (10 varieties), 4 pak choi, 24 turnip, 20 sqaush (4 varieties), 100 red onions (in 2in pots to get them started before planting out), 40 white onions, and countless herbs .... and probably loads more i've completely lost track of ....

                      i still have a bag of king edwards to plant out (half dug the potato bed today) and another bag of white onions to start off in 2in pots ....

                      half the 60ft lawn is going to be dug up to extend the veggie patch .... which will then be 2/3s of the garden ....
                      Last edited by Farmer_Gyles; 25-03-2012, 08:09 PM.


                      • #12
                        ...... and a pars**p in a pear tree!


                        • #13
                          Oh yes..............
                          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                          Diversify & prosper


                          • #14
                            Am trying not to, thinking of how much space I don't have! Looks as though every cm of 88sq metres will be used.
                            Horticultural Hobbit




                            • #15
                              Hello now you are just showing off

                              Spare a thought for us poor gardeners who dont have the space!

                              Any spare seedlings will be gratefully received.


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