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April - what to do?


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  • April - what to do?

    What can be sown direct in April? Last year before I moved house I had ample windowsill space but no allotment. Now I have moved house I have no windowsill space but a vast allotment, so I've had to rethink what and when I sow/plant things.

    What are you all planting/sowing this month? I've never tried potatos but I haven't chitted any (nowhere to put them) so can you buy pre-chitted ones and when do they go in? My allotment currently resembles a fruit farm and I'd like to grow some veg haha.

  • #2
    Have a look at this link :-

    Vegetable Diary Planner shows when to plant vegetables

    you can select the area you live in then it adjusts the sowing/planting time to suit.
    Location....East Midlands.


    • #3
      I may be totally wrong but I was always told maincrop potatoes don't need chitting (only earlies)? You can also plant beans, peas, beetroot, spring onions, carrots, parsnips, perpetual spinach, and tons more straight into your plot if the soil is ready for them. You can cover very early plantings with a plastic cloche if you are worried its a bit cold?


      • #4
        Originally posted by buzzingtalk View Post
        I've never tried potatos but I haven't chitted any (nowhere to put them) so can you buy pre-chitted ones and when do they go in? My allotment currently resembles a fruit farm and I'd like to grow some veg haha.
        You can't buy pre-chitted potatoes but you can plant them un-chitted. There is a lot of discussion about it but I don't think it makes much difference, they might start a bit earlier if they are chitted but if you are short of time, I would say bung em in about now.
        A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


        • #5
          My whites were chitted, the reds weren't but they still went in.
          sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
          Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
          Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
          KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


          • #6
            I've only decided this week to container grow some spuds this year, so I'll be putting them in the bags this weekend, unchitted. They'll be fine.
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • #7
              You don't have to chit potatoes Buzzing, but you'll have to be quick to get seed potatoes. I think Wilkinsons may have some left.


              • #8
                Radishes? Onions?


                • #9
                  Homebase had some seed spuds reduced in the Luton store today they had edwards, charlottes and aaron pilots �1.99 a bag i got I think 15 in a bag when i got some a couple weeks back.
                  My new Blog.



                  • #10
                    Notcutts have got some in still - are they just 'seed' potatos? they don't look like seeds to me! I will be growing some in bags or tyres as my allotment is still a bit 'wild' shal we say!


                    • #11
                      That's a fab calendar Bren! I might have to copy that into my Google document that I use up at the allotment (I'm such a geek).


                      • #12
                        They're not seeds in the sense of little tiny things, they're just small potatoes.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by buzzingtalk View Post
                          Notcutts have got some in still - are they just 'seed' potatos? they don't look like seeds to me! I will be growing some in bags or tyres as my allotment is still a bit 'wild' shal we say!
                          Have you read through some of the threads on mulching and clearing a plot. Several people suggest planting potatoes in unworked ground and then mulching with cardboard and whatever else you can get your hands on.

                          I can't totally vouch for it, I'm trying it for the first time on a couple of neglected patches, but trust all that recommend it.
                          the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                          Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                          • #14
                            You can just buy the unpackaged muddy potatoes from a greengrocers / supermarket, put them in a cool, airy and light place for a week or so then plant them. That's if you can't find any proper seed ones =)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Leeds_lad View Post
                              just buy the unpackaged muddy potatoes from a greengrocers / supermarket, put them in a cool, airy and light place for a week or so then plant them.
                              Or just plant them They really don't need to be chitted
                              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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