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Asparagus - have I got seeds or crowns?


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  • Asparagus - have I got seeds or crowns?

    I bought some Asparagus in the garden section of Lidl last night. I've never grown asparagus before but fancied giving it a go and have been reading up on it. Well, I have no idea if I have bought seeds or "crowns". They are packaged in a bag in soil and on the packet they look like bulbs to me, not seeds. What do asparagus crowns look like?


    Living in her own purple world

    Loving gardening, reading, knitting and crochet.

  • #2
    Crowns look like a clump of roots, Seeds look like, erm,,,, seeds.
    You've bought crowns!!


    • #3
      OK cool! I had hoped they would be, I was just confused by the illustration on the packet!

      Only problem is they've got to be grown in bags and there are 5 crowns in the bag - I thought there would be just one or two. Not sure if I've got room for 5 massive bags. Might have to see if my mum wants a couple.

      Living in her own purple world

      Loving gardening, reading, knitting and crochet.


      • #4
        I've just had some crowns with the Free offer on the GYO mag. It came with a big planting bag and the instructions say to plant 5 crowns to a bag. Hope this helps.
        I put mine in the ground anyway!


        • #5
          I got the same offer and it was three crowns to a bag (bag ~70l). I think five would be a bit much? I planted mine in the soil too - the bag has potatoes in now.

          Here's another topic where we discussed asparagus in bags -
          Proud member of the Nutters Club.
          Life goal: become Barbara Good.


          • #6
            Interesting - this article clearly states one crown per very large container. Hmmm...

            Growing Asparagus In Containers | Grow Asparagus In Pots

            Maybe that's why they say on those bag ones that they will only last 5yrs or so.

            Living in her own purple world

            Loving gardening, reading, knitting and crochet.


            • #7
              The T&M Asparagus planter bag has a circumference of 54" and a depth of 24" so they are quite big!


              • #8
                54" - that is massive!! That is 4ft 6! I don't think I could find anything that big anyway. The biggest bags I can find at the moment are about 18" across and 22" deep. I use old recycling boxes for growing potatoes in so I could use those, but whilst functional, they don't really look very nice.

                I wonder if I could risk 2 in a bag 18x22".

                Living in her own purple world

                Loving gardening, reading, knitting and crochet.


                • #9
                  Likac, don't you have any garden that you can plant direct in?


                  • #10
                    No, sadly I don't. Our garden is on a slope which slopes down. The bottom of the garden is damp and boggy and has plenty of frogs in it, but not suitable for vegetable gardening. So I have a greenhouse at the top of the garden and lots of tubs that spread down one side of the garden. The other side is totally sheltered by blinkin' leilandi so very little grows underneath. I have got an experimental raised bed under there at the moment with onions and leeks but they don't get much light and haven't grown much. I'm beginning to think the asparagus might be a step too far for the limited space I've got.

                    Living in her own purple world

                    Loving gardening, reading, knitting and crochet.


                    • #11
                      Do not despair!! I've just compared the diameter of the asparagus bag with one of those plastic trugs that you can buy for a few pounds - its about the same. You could plant into one or two of those, with some drainage holes in the bottom. Since you won't be able to crop any asparagus this year you could plant lettuce or other shallow rooted crops in it too so that you get some return from the space. That's what I've done with the 12 crowns that I bought but mine are in a "raised bed" made from one of those packing crates that slates are delivered in.
                      I have a very steep garden too and am building terraces into it. Not perfect but it helps!!


                      • #12
                        Thanks - but I think the containers need to be very deep as well, and that's where I seem to be struggling - to find something with a large diameter and depth. I'll see what I can work out though.

                        Living in her own purple world

                        Loving gardening, reading, knitting and crochet.


                        • #13
                          Are you talking about the same trugs? I think VC means the flexible trugs - Flexible Tub Trugs, Equestrian Equipment Robinsons UK - which are fairly deep.

                          54" - that is massive!! That is 4ft 6! I don't think I could find anything that big anyway. The biggest bags I can find at the moment are about 18" across and 22" deep.
                          54" circumference is about 17-18" across. Sounds like you have the same bags.

                          Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                          The T&M Asparagus planter bag has a circumference of 54" and a depth of 24" so they are quite big!
                          Big, but I've still fit (fitted?) two in the bottom shelf of my 4 foot blowaway. Based purely on planting asparagus in the ground, it feels like, although big, that bag should have one, maybe two if squashed, crowns in it at the most. The crowns were very good though - huge things and in good nick. I was very pleased with that offer.
                          Proud member of the Nutters Club.
                          Life goal: become Barbara Good.


                          • #14
                            You're spot on Kaiya with the trugs. I've just bought another 2 at Toscos for �2.97. Can't resist them.
                            Still haven't decided what to use the bag for! The crowns were good - more developed than the others that came from Wilkos. It just doesn't seem right to plant a perennial veg in a bag!


                            • #15
                              "54" circumference is about 17-18" across. Sounds like you have the same bags."

                              Oops! How embarrassing! Yes 54" circumference isn't the same as diameter, is it?! Thanks for pointing that out. Right, I'll go back to my original plan then. Thank you!
                              Last edited by Likac66; 04-04-2012, 11:14 AM.

                              Living in her own purple world

                              Loving gardening, reading, knitting and crochet.


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