Held well back on the tenders, last year my beans etc were all sown about 2 weeks ago. This year i am not even tending to the notion until last week or so of the month.
No announcement yet.
Anyone else still holding back due to the weather?
I'm glad I'm not the only one itching to get going. I've got 3 types early potatoes in Bags. Lettuce and Chinese Greens in beds coming up nicely, Shallots and Garlic doing their thing. Spinach sown 2 weeks ago just beginning to show some sprouts, Carrots sown at same time under a cloche - no sign of anything yet. In the cold frame (no greenhouse or anything) french beans and sugar snaps also spring onions. Basically I've got 2 and a half beds worth of nice brown soil - just waiting.
francesbeanMy Square Foot Gardening Experiment Blog :
At the lottie I have:
Rhubarb planted out
Red onions
Jerusalem Artichokes
First early spuds
At the home veg bed:
Salad leaves (ready for picking)
Spring onions
Broad beans
In the greenhouse waiting for lottie:
Broad beans
Runner beans
Brussels Sprouts
I have big plans to put something (or anything) out but all I have is packets of seeds lined up to do. The ground is all ready but I just haven't got around to doing anything yet apart from putting together my new potting bench which is now sitting getting very damp outside my back door. Just need a teeny tiny bit of sunshine this week and I'm sure I will get the motivation to do more...even if its just my potato bags.Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice
In the ground in my two square foot garden beds, under enviromesh cloches (and fleeced every night) are:
Planted mid March:
Cabbage (hispi)
Beetroot (burpee golden & boltardy)
Broad beans (sutton & A.Claudia)
early peas (twinkle)
Mange tout (oregon)
carrots (amsterdam forcing)
Little gem lettuce
Perpetual spinach
spring onions
There are also 2 trays of leek seedlings under the cloche.
All above are growing nicely far.
Planted this weekend:
2nd sowing Peas (twinkle)
carrots (purple haze)
lettuce (red salad bowl) - march planting didnt germinate
I also planted 6 small buckets with seed potatoes.
Whether I have gained (or will loose) anything by planting earlier remains to be seen.Last edited by cazp; 09-04-2012, 09:33 PM.
In the ground at the allotment:- overwintering onions, garlic and broad beans
Spring sown onions and shallots and peas
Early and main crop potatoes
I have also sown beetroot, carrots, radish and parsnips ... but that was last week so nothing happening there yet!
In the unheated gh - leeks, cauliflower, sweet peas, calendula, begonias, salad greens, beetroot in modules (they and the leeks need to start hardening off), courgettes
In the spare bedroom - cucumbers (indoor and out), tomatoes (loads of different ones), celeriac and potimarron. I thought I hadn't done much either until I started to list everything!
I'm trying to hold back but it's not really working!
on the plot
broad beans (over winter and 1st sowing)
at home
Potatoes in bags
in the greenhouse/polyhouse (germination rates so far)
peas (30/120)
leeks - (too many to count!)
onions from seed (for any gaps!)
french bean (4/12)/ runner bean (20/24)
sweetcorn (12/60) (think I was too premature for this one but we'll see)
cauli (7/12)/broc(5/12)/calabrese(712)/cabbage red & green (10/18)
Gherkin (8/9)
Courgette (5/5)
Butternut squash (0/10)
Mini pumpkin (0/10)
on the windowledge (to infill!)
runner bean/french bean/broad bean
mini pumkin
butternut squash
so far for my first year, i have one large tray of lettuce, 2 small trays of radish, one large tray of fennel, 26 sunflowers, two trays and one flower pot of nasturtiums, one pot of basil, one pot on unknown herb seeds, 11 sweet peas, 2 tomoto plants, 2 chillie plants, 2 cucumber plants and a courgette plant. I'll be doing a second sowing of lettuce and radish at the end of this month, going to start them off in loo rolls this time.
I seem to have no room on the plot so hoping a few delayed weeks will clear some space!
In the ground:
- spuds (earlies, 2 earlies and maincrop)
- japanese onions and over wintered white onions, shallot sets and red onion sets, garlic
- kale, spring cabbages, winter caulis, PSB
- last rows of leeks
- broad beans (flowering nicely)
- strawberries, goosberries, currants (all budding up or flowering), rubarb going a bit mad
just in:
carrots, beetroot, spring onions and fennel (all under old shower doors for protection) - parsnips are in but left to fend for themselves
Windowsill in various stages of germination - courgettes, cucumbers, tomatoes, chillis, squashes, marigolds, nasturtiums, herbs
Lean to unheated greenhouse - caulis, sprouts, red cabbage, mixed leaves, leeks
Blimey - I'll need another plot to fit everything in..........
I'm not very good at the whole 'holding back' thing, in the ground: spuds, last of the leeks, parsnips (germinating away happily for once!), just sown carrot, early peas, broadies, optimistic lettuce.
Spilling over the windowsill onto anything I can concievably put a pot on: 4 varieties of toms, 2 chillies, french beans, basil, mangetout, 3 sorts of courgette, 3 kinds of squash and some orange thyme.
In the blownaway: more brassicas than I can remember, leeks, more french beans hardening off (not had a frost in well over a month here), more peas... and probably more stuff I can't remember. I'm supposed to be taking it easy at the lottie at the moment after surgery, not sure if that's working too well.
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