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Complete Potato Newbie!


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  • Complete Potato Newbie!

    Hi everyone,

    I'm very much a newbie gardener, but want to have a go at growing some spuds. I've bought a potato growing bag measuring approximately 700mm x 700mm and 400mm high. I've got Desirees and Wiljas chitting on the windowsill and wondered how many of them could go in this bag? Can I have the two varieties side by side? I think I've read some conflicting advice on how many I can put in this bag, and also once I put them in and start the process of covering them over with soil, can I put any more seed potatoes on top or is that my lot?

    Sorry if I sounds like a numpty, I'm afraid I am lol!

  • #2
    I reckon about 5 would go in that size; one in each corner and one in the middle. You don't put any more spuds in, hopefully those you planted will fill the container with tubers. They need a fair bit of watering.

    Vegetable Kingdom blog


    • #3
      Thanks for your quick reply Mark. Sometimes it's just easier to come out and ask the question rather than searching endless websites hehe! I've got about 20 of the things!! 10 of each :S Ah well, will give some to my Dad


      • #4
        Haven't you got any buckets or other containers you could grow the rest in? Or some spare ground?

        Vegetable Kingdom blog


        • #5
          Originally posted by saffron_envy View Post
          Hi everyone,

          I'm very much a newbie gardener, but want to have a go at growing some spuds. I've bought a potato growing bag measuring approximately 700mm x 700mm and 400mm high. I've got Desirees and Wiljas chitting on the windowsill and wondered how many of them could go in this bag? Can I have the two varieties side by side? I think I've read some conflicting advice on how many I can put in this bag, and also once I put them in and start the process of covering them over with soil, can I put any more seed potatoes on top or is that my lot?

          Sorry if I sounds like a numpty, I'm afraid I am lol!
          When you say side by side Saffron did you mean in the same bag or each bag next to each other? Personally I wouldn't mix different kinds in the same bag, if that is what you meant.
          Tesco have potato bags in. 2 in a pack for just over �2 or the �1 has something similar.
          Last edited by Sanjo; 11-04-2012, 06:33 PM.


          • #6
            Mark, I do have a little spare ground (small garden) but I also have strawberries growing there and was under the impression that you shouldn't plants pots and strawberries near to each other (?)

            Thanks for that time Sanjo, will have a look in Tesco. I did mean to put them in the same bag as I only have one but will check out the ones Tesco have.


            • #7
              Also mean to ask, is it possible to stagger planting the seeds so I don't get a heap of pots at the same time? What would I do with the seeds chitting on the window, would they be ok to sit there for a few weeks longer whilst I plant a few out?


              • #8
                Hi SE & welcome to the madhouse. I certainly would not mix those two varieties. Wilja is a second early meaning it will need about 16 to 18 weeks in the ground, whilst Desiree is a main crop which will need about 22 to 24 weeks in the ground.

                More or less any old container will do the job, old plastic dustbins, plastic water tanks etc, just remember to put holes in the bottom for drainage.

                Do to the length of time they will be in the container the will need feeding after about 8 weeks. My first feed is miracle grow for green growth followed by tomorite to swell the tubers. Most important is don't forget to water. Spuds are nearly all water and failure to give them enough as the tubers swell will result in a poor harvest.

                Potty by name Potty by nature.

                By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                Aesop 620BC-560BC



                • #9
                  Thanks for that confirmation Colin, will seek out a a second container Thanks for the tips on feeding, at this stage I'm never quite sure what to feed so use miracle grow general feed. How soon after the first feed of miracle grow should I feed tomorite?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by saffron_envy View Post
                    Also mean to ask, is it possible to stagger planting the seeds so I don't get a heap of pots at the same time? What would I do with the seeds chitting on the window, would they be ok to sit there for a few weeks longer whilst I plant a few out?
                    To get potatoes at different times then all you need do is to stagger the harvesting, but this may be tricky if they are all in one container, so two containers or more as suggested would be preferable. And anyway, potatoes do store quite well.

                    And yes, you are correct, do not grow the potatoes near the strawberries in case of Verticillium wilt.
                    Last edited by Capsid; 11-04-2012, 06:35 PM.

                    Vegetable Kingdom blog


                    • #11
                      I like to change my feed when the haulms (green bits) reach their full height. Thats when the tubers are developing.

                      SE a suggestion if you pop your location onto your profile members will be able to give you more targeted advice.

                      Potty by name Potty by nature.

                      By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                      We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                      Aesop 620BC-560BC



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by saffron_envy View Post
                        Hi everyone,

                        I'm very much a newbie gardener, but want to have a go at growing some spuds. I've bought a potato growing bag measuring approximately 700mm x 700mm and 400mm high. I've got Desirees and Wiljas chitting on the windowsill and wondered how many of them could go in this bag? Can I have the two varieties side by side? I think I've read some conflicting advice on how many I can put in this bag, and also once I put them in and start the process of covering them over with soil, can I put any more seed potatoes on top or is that my lot?

                        Sorry if I sounds like a numpty, I'm afraid I am lol!
                        2 seed potatoes,both wilja,will give best results.


                        • #13
                          I got a couple of smaller grow bags which should fit better in my garden, they're only 400mm in diameter so once again how many do you think I should put in here? One or two maybe?

                          Thanks again.


                          • #14
                            Three would be my choice, equally spaced.

                            Vegetable Kingdom blog


                            • #15
                              Thanks Mark, hoping to get the Wiljas in today but weather is looking threatening!


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