Hi there, looking for some guidance on how many plants to plant out. At the moment I have 12 on the go and pretty much ready to go up to the tunnel when the weather improves.
It is 2 each of ...
Gardeners delight
Golden sunrise (cherry)
Datteri (plum)
I intended only growing 6 in the tunnel, the other 6 were backups. But I've put so much in to them I'm thinking of growing more of them on. So any general advise on whether 6 is plenty and 12 is way too much? I don't want to increase my workload just for the sake of it. I know it's all relative, we're a family of 2 adults and 2 small kids. How many trusses would you usually let grow and how many fruit would you get off each truss?
I asked a similar question about dwarf french beans and two sheds said you'll get roughly a couple of meals from each plant which was a perfect way for me to judge.
Thanks for your patience!
It is 2 each of ...
Gardeners delight
Golden sunrise (cherry)
Datteri (plum)
I intended only growing 6 in the tunnel, the other 6 were backups. But I've put so much in to them I'm thinking of growing more of them on. So any general advise on whether 6 is plenty and 12 is way too much? I don't want to increase my workload just for the sake of it. I know it's all relative, we're a family of 2 adults and 2 small kids. How many trusses would you usually let grow and how many fruit would you get off each truss?
I asked a similar question about dwarf french beans and two sheds said you'll get roughly a couple of meals from each plant which was a perfect way for me to judge.
Thanks for your patience!