Hi all,
Has anyone out there tried square foot gardening? the only reason I'm asking is that we have a half plot and I think I may have grown too much stuff.
.I'm of course intending to give some to fellow plotters if they want it, but was wondering just how close you can plant cabbages, kale and broccoli? Do they reallyneed lots of space? the area left for them to go in to is about 6' by 8' and I have some room left for beans and peas
Advice much appreciated. P.S. Cannot sacrifice the peas cos Norman (my ferret) is especially looking forwards to having some of them.
Has anyone out there tried square foot gardening? the only reason I'm asking is that we have a half plot and I think I may have grown too much stuff.

Advice much appreciated. P.S. Cannot sacrifice the peas cos Norman (my ferret) is especially looking forwards to having some of them.
