Hi there
Newbie to the forum here, hi everyone!! Not been growing for long either, this is my second year. Last year I tried to grow butternut squash, but didnt get anything
This year I have quite a few types but the Spag Squash has really taken off and has buds on it already. I am trying to work out which is the female and which is the male flowers. I have google imaged it but it looks nothing like it. I have one which has a long thin oval bud and one that is hard to describe, but its round like a pound coin and prob as thick, and the petals look like its all tucked inside, I dont know, its odd. There is no mini squash behind either of the buds. I have the oval bud trying to open so I have read somewhere it is okay to tie it shut for manual pollination, but I dont know it seems a bit odd anyone have any ideas? I thought it would be like courgettes/cucumbers, as I can see them with a bud at the end.
Any help much appreciated
Newbie to the forum here, hi everyone!! Not been growing for long either, this is my second year. Last year I tried to grow butternut squash, but didnt get anything

Any help much appreciated