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My Runner Bean Wig Wam Thing


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  • My Runner Bean Wig Wam Thing

    After seeing something similar on youtube i decided to knock myself up one to grow runner beans on..

    Now as i am a complete novice to vegetable growing im not really sure what i do is right but i'm giving it a go anyway.

    I bought this quite large pot today which was a bargain in itself for only �6.99
    it measures almost 2ft across and 16inches deep.

    I filled it with about 70% compost and around 30% manure?

    There are 8 bamboo canes climbing around 5ft out of holes that i drilled in the pot.

    I intend to plant 8 seeds in the pot 1 at the base of each cane.

    Will i be successful in growing my runner beans? and when is the best time to plant them? also can i plant them and leave them straight outside? and is there anything i should feed them with...

    I would be grateful for any advice...

    Attached Files

  • #2
    You will be throwing water at this pot 12 hours a day ! I would try and find a large tray for it to sit in.

    It would be better if you tied the canes together about two to three feet from the top. The reason is when the beans reach the top of the canes, they spread out and if all the canes are together at the top there will be a 'gurt mass' of beans stalks, leaves and beans and will be difficult to see the last beans of the season.

    By tieing the canes a little over half way up, the beans will have room to grow, will tend to grow outwards following the canes and the beans (hopefully) will be hanging clear for you to see and pick.

    Cheers, Tony.
    Semper in Excrementem Altitvdo Solvs Varivs.


    • #3
      Thanks Tony

      An adjustment of the cane ties will be carried out and i think i see trays at the place i bought the pot but not sure if the had them for the size i have but i shall return and check..


      • #4
        Put seeds in a couple of weeks, put two to a cane, yank out the weakest one. Protect them from slugs. Never ever let the pot get completely dry because re-wetting compost is a nightmare. Your manure should be enough to feed them with initially, but you'll probably want some all -purpose plant food as well after a cropping a bit, tomorite or the equivalent.
        Aslo wot he said^


        • #5
          cheers Taff


          • #6
            You will also need to tie in the canes to the fence behind them otherwise with the slightest wind the whole thing will blow over. Been there, done that.

            As the others have said if your intent on growing 8 plants in that pot you will need to feed quite early on as the compost will be sucked dry. Use a high nitrogen feed to begin with (I use miraclegrow) to promote green growth. Change to high potash (I use tomorite) as the beans start to form.

            The pic will give you some idea what to expect these pots are about the same size and have three plants in each.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Potstubsdustbins; 19-04-2012, 09:40 PM.
            Potty by name Potty by nature.

            By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

            We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

            Aesop 620BC-560BC



            • #7
              I grew runner beans in a pot last year but my container was probably double the size of yours and I had eight beans in it - 2 per cane. When mine reached the top I trained the runners to grow along a rope towards the gate on one side, and across the top of some of my other plants on the other side. The harvest was prolific!

              I had to water mine twice a day most days, by far my thirstiest crop. I purchased a moisture thermometer which was a great help. Here is a snap of my setup last year - the container is hidden but you get the idea. This photo was taken after I had to hack back the top section because it was getting top heavy... I just went for it and they still kept growing.

              The water tray idea sounds very sensible!
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Gemmalaveen; 20-04-2012, 02:33 PM.


              • #8
                Cheers Pots and Gemma

                some interesting points you both make there and some good advice too.

                Perhaps i should lessen the amount of plants i intend to plant in the pot to maybe 5 or 6 rather than 8 ?

                Either way i am grateful for everyones advice and input..


                • #9
                  I was going to suggest 3 to 4 plants Terry for that size of pot. Make sure you can stabilise them against a wall or fence, as Colin has suggested, or they'll blow down for sure. Cheap gravel trays from somewhere like Wilkinsons make good saucers. Happy growing.
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • #10
                    Thank you Florence i will have a look in wilkos for a tray.


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