To grow a sack full of potatoes all i need to do is to get a sack, compost and a a couple of seed potatoes.
Put about 4 inches of compost in sack plant the seeds and cover with another 4 inches, or so, of compost.
After a couple of weeks the plants will show through. Cover with compost.
Continue doing this until sack is full of compost.
The main crop potatoes can be harvested after 20 weeks.
Is this right?
If so
Could i still cover plants and harvest the potatoes from bottom therefore, given the conditions being right, having a never ending supply of potatoes?
Put about 4 inches of compost in sack plant the seeds and cover with another 4 inches, or so, of compost.
After a couple of weeks the plants will show through. Cover with compost.
Continue doing this until sack is full of compost.
The main crop potatoes can be harvested after 20 weeks.
Is this right?
If so
Could i still cover plants and harvest the potatoes from bottom therefore, given the conditions being right, having a never ending supply of potatoes?