Am I alone? I sow a few seeds, and then a few more to allow for failures, oh, and a couple more varieties (for variety) and they all germinate. I pot them all up, well you do don't you? They all thrive and suddenly I have 20+ courgette plants, 20+ squash plants, over 100 tomato plants, trays of lettuce, enough loo rolls with beans and peas in to feed an army and ............... have you got the picture yet?
Check out another thread and you'll see that I have a freezer full of last year's goodies to use up PDQ, well certainly before anything begin to crop.
Who can help me manage this compulsion? How do I restrict myself to what I can grow and eat? How on earth can someone consign a seedlng to the compost heap when someone might, just might, give it a good home?
Heeeelp me please.............
Check out another thread and you'll see that I have a freezer full of last year's goodies to use up PDQ, well certainly before anything begin to crop.
Who can help me manage this compulsion? How do I restrict myself to what I can grow and eat? How on earth can someone consign a seedlng to the compost heap when someone might, just might, give it a good home?
Heeeelp me please.............
