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My name is Singleseeder and I am a plantaholic.


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  • #16
    I can see a support group growing here, but probably no cure.

    A lot of spares can go to my work for friends and the lottie shop is selling plants, so I don't feel too guilty. There is a local Garden Festival in June and our lottie is hoping to have a stall there too. Also, I confess that I have grown rather a lot of Tumbling Tom to put in Morrison buckets for all of my GD's 3yr old friends. Just right for starting their interest in the good life.

    Ooooh noooo.......... I've just reread this and I have that 'perhaps I should sow some more seeds' feeling.
    Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you are probably right.
    Edited: for typo, thakns VC


    • #17
      I have finally this year got my head around the idea that I don't have to sow every seed in the packet - I can put some back, seal up the packet, put it back in the tin.......and leave it there! This is good since my garden is diminutive, and a lot of packets have 500+ seeds.

      BUT - this "sow three seeds per pot and thin to the strongest" - what's that about then?!

      How can I make myself sow three and chuck two when I could transplant two? If I want one seed per pot, I sow one per pot, and if a couple don't grow, I shove another seed in. As far as I can see, the weedy ones often catch up with their big brothers anyway.
      Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
      Endless wonder.


      • #18
        I too am a plantaholic .
        I prune my grape vine and stick the prunings in to root. It looks like about 40 are shooting so far this year, although they might not all make roots. Last year I sold 24 to people from the allotments for fund raising, so I don't suppose anyone will want one this year.
        I dug up my original blackcurrant bush from the garden as the 7 cuttings I took the winter before last are happily curranting up at the plot. I hadn't the heart to throw him all away. 6 more cuttings, all of which are shooting out.
        Don't get me started about beans (166 sown), see my 'how many beans can 3 people eat' thread.
        I have 12 winter squash plants germinated and potted on, with another 12 still showing no signs yet. HOWEVER maybe there is hope, after growing 3 plants each of 3 different courgettes last year, this year I have selected my favourite and only planted 3 seeds
        I went to Wyevale over the weekend with the idea of buying ONE pack of cabbage because mine didn't come up. The problem was they had reduced all their brassicas to �1 for a 9 plant tray. I ended up with 2 types of cabbage and 2 types of cauli (and carefully made sure all the trays I chose had the full 9 plants, in fact one plug was doubled seeded, so even better bargain )
        I've got in excess of 50 tomato plants, 100 odd chillies, 46 dahlias from seed to provide cut flowers.
        I only have half a plot, with a third of that for fruit, compost, shed and asparagus. Son No2 said we need more space. We ALWAYS need more space. Perhaps I need to do a boot fair.
        Last edited by BarleySugar; 30-04-2012, 09:11 PM.
        I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
        Now a little Shrinking Violet.


        • #19
          Soooo pleased i found this thread....I was becoming afraid to talk about what seeds i had i write this i'm looking at my window sill which currently has
          3 different varieties of toms amounting to @ 150 seedlings(all germinated :O)
          peppers 2 diff types both sweet but again @ 100 seedlings
          cukes around 60
          courgettes around 60
          aubergines @ 50
          3 gala melon
          2 pumkin seedlings and another 10 that have yet to grow
          Salad leaves in there 100's
          Have just finished putting up a 14*8 GH and i'm suddenly starting to realise that maybe just maybe its not big enough

          Last edited by yekim_4321; 30-04-2012, 09:29 PM.


          • #20
            Originally posted by yekim_4321 View Post
            Have just finished putting up a 14*8 GH and i'm suddenly starting to realise that maybe just maybe its not big enough

            How long is the delivery on another GH? You know its the only way!


            • #21
              Funny you should say that VC, but i still need to sort GH doors and put a step in front, but i asked the wife where the next GH will go.......lets just say i'm soooo pleased there were no heavy objects close to hand


              • #22
                Once you're filling up every window sill in the house with plants. she'll see it your way! Meanwhile, careful how you go!!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by yekim_4321 View Post
                  courgettes around 60
                  aubergines @ 50
                  Blimey!!! I planted 8 last year and that was to much for us lol
                  GYO Photos, Pests, Problems and luvvin it!!


                  • #24
                    Yes i can give some away to folks at work i guess (but only as a last resort ) i was thinking maybe because its 8ft wide i could put some down the centre, along both sides and at the back end...GH gets sun all day

                    SeleneMourie...i planted extra in case some failed OOOPS lesson learned plus the seeds are small and i have great problems just getting one into a seed tray
                    Last edited by yekim_4321; 30-04-2012, 10:06 PM.


                    • #25
                      I'm just keeping quiet and hoping that everything will eventually fit in somewhere the meantime I need to sow beans and can't find a space to put them .....
                      S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                      a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                      You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                      • #26
                        You should see the amount of stuff the kids have sown at school We're planning a plant stall because there's now way we're going to find room for half a dozen each of 6 types of squash, or half a dozen seed trays of different types of flowers, or, or, or....

                        And I'm not even going to mention my own over-sowing, because I haven't finished yet....


                        • #27
                          I have the same problem on my lottie. I can't bear to see any of the ground uncovered by some plant or another. Why do you have to plant veg seeds all the time though, especially if you know your not going to eat the crop? Why not grow some flowers instead? It would be good for the bees and other pollen and nectar eating insects and it would bring a bit of colour to the garden too. Last year I bought a packet of Daliah seeds and planted them up and I got a great show from the plants plus a load of tubers to plant myself or to pass onto friends this year and the lad on the next lottie got a heap of sunflower seeds off me for his chooks.
                          Last edited by Dynamo; 01-05-2012, 12:12 AM.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by mothhawk View Post
                            I have finally this year got my head around the idea that I don't have to sow every seed in the packet - BUT - this "sow three seeds per pot and thin to the strongest" - what's that about then?!

                            How can I make myself sow three and chuck two when I could transplant two? If I want one seed per pot, I sow one per pot, and if a couple don't grow, I shove another seed in.
                            You've hit the nail on the head here. Its those spare plants, although not usually from extras in a module; just 'extras'. Why do you think I'm called Singleseeder? One seed per module/pot; just lots of modules/pots.

                            Originally posted by BarleySugar View Post
                            the 7 cuttings I took the winter before last are happily curranting up at the plot. I hadn't the heart to throw him all away. 6 more cuttings, all of which are shooting out.
                            This is just what I do. Moved plot over winter, but took half a dozen cuttings (well sticks really) from the elderberry bush/tree - everyone has struck. I think I might have to do a bit of guerilla gardening on the Town Moor.

                            Originally posted by SeleneMourie View Post
                            Blimey!!! I planted 8 last year and that was to much for us lol
                            I got 40kg of courgettes from 5 plants last year. Even my 3yr old GD was giving them back at the end of the season.

                            Originally posted by Dynamo View Post
                            Why not grow some flowers instead?
                            Aw, now c'mon. I can't admit all my problems in the first plantaholics meeting now can I? I'm working my way around the gardens, tidying up. Why can't I chuck stuff into the compost heap rather than potting up seedlings/thinnings/dividings?

                            I think I need another lie down now........................
                            Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you are probably right.
                            Edited: for typo, thakns VC


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
                              I'm a bit more ruthless than I used to be and if I'm not, I take the small plants to work and give them away there. It's hard to throw away the seedlings, but I find it even harder to waste fully grown plants.
                              I think you are telling porkies here Flo! I just happened to be earwigging on the 'wot i did today' thread .... and you said you'd put on the compost heap (murdered!!) some Tom Thumb lettuces.

                              Explain yourself to the rest of the group please.
                              Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you are probably right.
                              Edited: for typo, thakns VC


                              • #30
                                Porkies? Porkies? How very dare you? Ok, holds hands up No-one at work is interested in growing lettuce, so the seedlings were chucked. I did prick out a good two dozen, though they've probably drowned overnight
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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