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How many tomato plants in greenhouse


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  • How many tomato plants in greenhouse

    Hi there

    Just some advice please, how many tomato plants is recommended for a greenhouse. I have a 10ft x6ft greenhouse. I am using giant growbags with three plants per growbag.

    Is there a particular rule people follow for spacing plants, maximum number of plants per space. Could I have two rows of growbags on each side of the greenhouse this would yield 18 plants per side of the greenhouse, so at least 36 plants in the greenhouse

    Am I asking for trouble here with airflow related problems


  • #2
    With two deep it won't just be airflow problems. You need access to look after the plant, sideshooting etc.


    • #3
      I think our greenhouse is 8x6 and last year we had 6 of the New Horizon Giant Growbags in it, 2 along each side. We had 2 cucumbers in one, 4 peppers in another, and the rest either had 3 or four tomato plants in. As it was our first year growing, we didnt keep on top of nipping out the sideshoots on the toms and they ended up taking over!


      • #4
        I had 11, in pots last year in my 6x10. It was crowded peak season, but I removed some leaves to aid airflow. Here's a photo at the start of the season:


        • #5
          I tried the two deep banks of tomatoes the first year I had a greenhouse, didn't do that again, airflow, light, harvesting, armpitting etc were all a nightmare and I'm not sure I got that much more crop either.

          Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

          Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


          • #6
            I have a 10 x 7 greenhouse with staging down one side. So I used the one length and end width to grow tomatoes, this meant I could fit in 4 grow bag trays. I had one grow bag per tray and three plants in each, but left me the walkway in the middle down to the plants at the end. I also use the ring culture pots which give me extra depth as I fill them with additional compost. In total 12 plants and the yields were brilliant. I made masses of passata and had fresh tomatoes for us and family/friends as well. You do have to step up your watering and feeding regime though and keep on it. The staging grew cukes and peppers, although cukes and toms are supposed to like differing conditions. I haven't had a problem with this though.
            Good luck on whatever you decide
            Last edited by VirginVegGrower; 07-05-2012, 10:55 AM.
            Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

            Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


            • #7
              Just had a rough count of the numbers of tomato plants I have to accommodate. 22 including three beefsteak I actually bought today. Lovely plants but reduced to clear because of the date. Stupid innit.

              p.s. Also bought a pack of 20 petunias reduced from �3 to �1. Super plants
              Last edited by Aberdeenplotter; 30-04-2012, 01:49 PM. Reason: added p.s.


              • #8
                Last year in my 8x6 I had 9 tomatoes 8 peppers 2 cucumbers and a Jalape�o Chilli so 20 plants in total. This year I have 2 8x6 greenhouses to fill \o/ so will probably double up on the tomatoes and grow a few more chillies.

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                • #9
                  I had 14 in a 6x6, 7 down each side...actually, it may have been 12 and 6 down the sides, 3 x cucumbers at the end, 4 x peppers, 4 aubergines and every other space was chillies, and some basil too.
                  I did remove all of the aubergines and one pepper towards the end of the summer.


                  • #10
                    After reading this, anyone want any tomato plants? lol.

                    I think I have planted waaaay too many thinking only 50% or so would germinate.

                    They are 'Shirley' which are not for outdoors so I may have to put some in the conservatory if they don't get greenfly.

                    My favourite animal is steak...

                    Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.


                    • #11
                      ^ haha, welcome to my usual world
                      anyway, back to the question, you'd be asking for trouble if you couldn't guarantee an airflow through, but if you can, you can cram in as many as you like.
                      I did a couple of years ago, the only reason I stopped was not through disease, but I just couldnt reach the ones at the back.
                      Your growbags are already spaced for 3 plants, so logically, I'd imagine if you can fit the growbag in, you can fit the plant in, but logic doesn't always work


                      • #12
                        When I started growing toms about 8 years ago I tried about ten different varieties, I decided to stick with the ones that tasted the best and ever since it's five plants each of a different variety.

                        One bush of each Sungold, Black cherry and yellow pair for small sweet fruits, one bush Constoluto Genovese for cooking and baking, the last variety always get rotated with something new to try, this year it's Losetto in a hanging basket, picked up in the sales last year for 50p. There is also two Ferline bushes in the allotment, only once they got blighted and are good croppers.


                        • #13
                          How many .......hmmmm at the moment there's about 90 in mine (lost a few to frost) .

                          Last year I started off with about 14 in final pots then the armpitting began and things got a little out of hand (I blame Zaz) the chillies and peppers and aubs .
                          S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                          a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                          You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                          • #14
                            at the last count I have over 90 plants, all sown over the last 2 months so from seedlings to 2 footers. (promised the wife she can have her windowsills back by her birthday mid month so the weather better improve). I am growing 8 varieties inc red cherry and marmande beefstake as well as the usual delight and moneymaker. I have a 3 by 8 raised bed a 8 by 6 greenhouse with staging , 3 growhouses, troughs on balconies and in pots for the patio. I am hoping to get another bumper crop this year.The majority I put in 3 litre pots which seems to be enough soils/nutrients to get them through the season with a feed every week

                            will end up giving bags away to friends, eating half the cherry ones before they get back in to the house, and inevtibaly when blight strikes I will rescue the green ones for jars of chutney by the dozen

                            so the greenhouse ws rammed last year but thankfully as the tomatoes start to get cleared that gives me space for the chillies.....


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