As the end of my flu is nowhere to be seen I am in bed reading the excellent book 'in defense of food' by Michael Pollan, one of the comments in the book is how the level of nutrients in some fresh food is lower now than 40 years ago.
With that in mind I was thinking is there any veg varieties that claims to contain higher than normal nutrients levels?
Found one variety of carrots called 'Healthmaster' with 30% plus more betacarotene and one article about M&S selling a broccoli called 'Beneforte' but not much else, anyone else know of such veg (even if engineered by good old science)?
With that in mind I was thinking is there any veg varieties that claims to contain higher than normal nutrients levels?
Found one variety of carrots called 'Healthmaster' with 30% plus more betacarotene and one article about M&S selling a broccoli called 'Beneforte' but not much else, anyone else know of such veg (even if engineered by good old science)?
