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HOWWW many toms, whats your count?


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  • HOWWW many toms, whats your count?

    Was chatting to a loverly 'plotter' (my nickname for plot neighbours ) and I was amazed at the amount of tomato plants growing, now me with my big mouth I said blimey HOW many tomato plants are you growing?
    I'm not kidding the count was around 50, and its just her and her hubby really,
    her answer, I love tomatos. she makes soup and freezes etc, fair enough I thought. was just genuinly shocked at the amount of plants, what was even more interesting she only had a couple of reds the rest were all her own seeds from last years crop in differant colours,
    Bless I got to my plot today and in my cold frame is 6 pots of toms 2 yellows 3 black cherry 1 orange. Ive not got alot to return but i did give her a gold raspberry as I know she doesnt have one.

    Is 50 a fair amount for you, whats your seed fetish, that you just cant help growing more of than others,

  • #2
    Only nine growing here but this is year one for me and I really don't need more anyway.
    Tried and Tested...but the results are inconclusive


    Honorary member of the nutters club, by appointment of VeggieChicken


    • #3
      I grow a few, and as they grow I plant the 'armpits'. Last year I had about 250 in the end. Great for lasagna, pizza puree etc.

      If you have the space I say grow 'em. You can pack them in really tightly, really. Doesn't look pretty, but they still grow. I had mine about 10" spacing, and let them fall over on top of each other. They still grew, corrected their own Vertical etc. Loads of tomatoes :-)

      My '4th' area of tomatoes: Best photo i could find;
      Last edited by Zenithtb; 17-05-2012, 03:02 AM. Reason: Added linky


      • #4
        We only have three here. It's just my hubby, me, and our son. I can't imagine having that many toms! I wouldn't know what to do with them.


        • #5
          I currently have 5 in tubs & 7 in the greenhouse borders. I'm working on a 50% return as I don't have a lot of luck with toms.........
          sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
          Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
          Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
          KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


          • #6
            I'm growing 40 different varieties, one plant of each minimum. I have already put 15 in at the plot. All the extras will go to the schools/plots I'm growing at or be given away to other people including family. I have started off between 2 to 20 of each variety - my favourites I've sown more seeds of so that I can give them away to folks. Already got rid of a trayful at a plant swap last week.


            • #7
              I grew 20 plants last year (for 2 of us) and I'm just getting the last out of the freezer. I ate the last fresh ones the week before christmas. This year I started enough babies for me, my sisters and my uncle but then I managed to kill most of mine. My uncle and sister gave me some back ( nicely grown on). I've ended up with over 20 again and my sisters have been giving plants away to all and sundry.You can't have too many tomatoes.


              • #8
                I have 27 plants of 3 varieties, 2 cordon and 1 bush. I'm in the process of potting them on and was planning to put some on my lottie if I can get them in the car without damaging them. Don't know when that will be yet. The rest will go in the garden and I'll keep some in the conservatory. Should be interesting to see how the 3 different sites affect the crop.


                • #9
                  70-80 plants of 7 different varieties! I make huge batches of sauce in jars which keep for months, just used the last one last week.
                  Blight resistant ones on the plot (about 50 Ferline and Legend) and the others in the greenhouse


                  • #10
                    30-40 plants of 7 different varieties. 16 of them will be planted outside in containers, no idea what I am going to do with the rest yet as I am running out of space. I heard a rumour that my step dad might be buying me a greenhouse, hopefully it happens soon!

                    My real fetish is for courgettes - I just can't get enough of them.


                    • #11
                      I've got 16 toms in 8 varieties 7 are growing in the GH border and the rest will be eventually planted in the garden.
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • #12
                        40 plants here too. I'll be giving my neighbour 4 odd, some will be going outside as a trial this year


                        • #13
                          not that many this year, probably 70 ish. I'm in the 'you can't have too many toms' except when it gets to about 250, because i'm the only one processing them, and the last time i did that, I was knackered for the rest of the year. Had lots of sugo though


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Zenithtb View Post
                            I grow a few, and as they grow I plant the 'armpits'. Last year I had about 250 in the end. Great for lasagna, pizza puree etc.

                            If you have the space I say grow 'em. You can pack them in really tightly, really. Doesn't look pretty, but they still grow. I had mine about 10" spacing, and let them fall over on top of each other. They still grew, corrected their own Vertical etc. Loads of tomatoes :-)

                            My '4th' area of tomatoes: Best photo i could find;
                            Are they indeterminate or determinate? Or rather, if indeterminate how do you support them?


                            • #15
                              About 80 plants, of various sizes, six varieties, I have been very restrained this year!
                              A few are heritage ones and I am very excited about them (thank you Jeanied and zazen)


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